Saturday 30 September 2017

The Parliament of Fear Part 3

"They shall have their prey and I shall have my justice."

Writer: Scott Gray
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 21st September 2017
Printed in: DWM 517

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Bill


With Bill transformed into an owl under the guidance of Totika and the mercy of the Stikini, can the Doctor escape her grasp and save his hearts? What will this transformation mean for the rest of the species who dominate the Red Skies? And what will happen to the area that will one day become Oklahoma? Everything will soon be revealed...


The Parliament of Fear concluded in pretty decent style with this third and final part of the story! Now, as per usual with the Doctor Who Magazine comic strip stories I will talk about the magazine itself and I must say that this month's edition looks set to be another good one! I did actually purchase the issue a day after release but as my lack of blogging in the past fortnight indicates, finding free time to read it has been a struggle as I prepare for my third year of university and dedicate my time to my wonderful girlfriend. Anyway, to the magazine and celebrating the legacy of the Seventh Doctor seems like a great to base an issue around and I'm really looking forward to reading what Sylvester McCoy has to say. Following her untimely death, the previously unpublished interview with Deborah Watling should be a pretty poignant read so I look forward to that very much. I have already Galaxy Forum and hearing all the wonderful comments about her was a joy. Much of what she appeared in is sadly lost but she is still very much in the hearts of us fans. The Time Team is not something I'm a huge fan of but seeing as they're covering The Doctor's Wife this month, I think I simply have to read it as that episode is right up there with my all time favourites. It really is spectacular. The tribute to Victor Pemberton will also be another emotional read as he is another Whovian legend who has sadly been lost. The Dominic Glynn interview based around the sound recordings for Survival will be an intriguing read for me as soundtracks are not something I pay a huge amount of attention to. The Gail Bennett interview will be mostly new things for me too which is something that excites me as I love learning new things about Doctor Who! This magazine really does have it all and that's exactly why I continue to buy it each and every month. The usuals of DWM Review and Coming Soon will be as good as usual as they never disappoint and I like to see what is soon to hit the shelves in shops. Now, back to the comic strip itself and I think this was definitely the best part of the comic strip yet and actually saved it and maintained a decent rating from myself. The revelation regarding Totika and the Seminole was excellent and the scenes inside the Dreamspace were very good. I was surprised that we returned there so quickly after The Soul Garden but with an ongoing story arc very much present, I get the feeling that this theme could be quite important when it comes to the Twelfth Doctor's comic strip run ending. I look very much forward to seeing what the carving in the TARDIS means and I wonder how easy it will be for the Doctor to find the answers that he seeks. Bill was great in this part of the story which was good and I liked how she galvanised the Seminole in the Dreamspace to escape and take back their bodies. The Doctor instructing Reeves to wake the nearby town to weaken the Stikini's power and the influence of Totika was excellent and I really liked how even in their demise, the Stikini looked powerful. The Doctor shuddering is evidence of that. Overall, the story as a whole is probably my least favourite Twelfth Doctor comic adventure yet but that doesn't mean it was bad! It was very decent indeed and ended on a high!

Rating: 7/10

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