Friday 15 January 2016

The Fate of Krelos

"There is nothing to fear..."

Writer: Nicholas Briggs
Format: Audio
Released: July 2015
Series: FDA 4.07

Featuring: Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9


There are dark skies on Krelos... and something gigantic is descending.

Meanwhile, the Doctor and Leela set off for some fishing in the mountain pools of Krelos. K9 has interfaced with the TARDIS and has reactivated the architectural configuration from the days of the Doctor's second incarnation. In passing, the Doctor notes it could do with a good clean. And there's a familiar piece of material snagged on the console.

Far up the mountain, an aged explorer is in trouble. Will the Doctor and Leela be able to save him and his planet? And what is it that K9 has discovered in the TARDIS?


The Fate of Krelos was an excellent story to start the finale of the fourth series of the Fourth Doctor Adventures from Big Finish! After completing all of Series 1 of this range within six days of each, and absolutely loving it, I really have jumped around a little bit with my last entry from the range being The King of Sontar, which got a very nice reference in this audio itself, and that story kicked off the previous series and now I find myself doing the first of the linked fourth series finale! I don't think it's really vital to do things in order for this range as we know all of the companions and there's not really an overriding story arc that we might associate with the Russell T Davies era, so I was just looking for a very good story and I definitely got one! I'm not sure whether it's because I thoroughly enjoyed, but I found part two to be quite shorter than part one, not that it makes any real difference to the story but I just found it intriguing. The pairing of the Fourth Doctor and Leela is just outstanding and the comedy they provide is beyond magnificent. They really are just perfect for each other and I think I must mention that fact in nearly every blogged entry I've done with the terrific TARDIS pairing. I do like though that in these audios that relationship can be expanded on a lot more than what we got to see on television. We see, or rather hear, the moment here where Leela has to learn that the Doctor cannot change his own history and go back on his own timeline. What he had seen, which in this case was the destruction of Krelos and the death of Geralk, had become an established part of events and could not be changed. Leela was horrified to hear this as to her it looked like the Doctor went back and changed things all the time. Who could blame her for seeing things that way? I certainly don't. Tom Baker gave an excellent performance as the Fourth Doctor just like always and alongside Louise Jameson he really does shine more than with any other companion yet to grace the audio stage. However, I can't wait to hear him be reunited with Lalla Ward! She's just my favourite and I think their audio adventures could be something spectacular. The inclusion of K9 in this story was marvellous! I really do love the little robot dog that we first met in The Invisible Enemy and I was thrilled at just how well he worked in the audio format. He had quite the troublesome time though as it appeared for pretty much the entire story that something had possessed the tin dog. The legacy of this robotic companion is quite incredible and I love that we're getting a movie with him next year! I can't wait to see that in the cinema. That will be a treat I must say. I thought the link with the next story and final one of the series was very good. As we can guess from the name, we know what enemy is coming back but I did like the fact that they didn't get a mention so I won't mention them either. The links were all there though with Geralk being a mechanical man and fearing nothing. There was some really great subtly in this story. However, the highlight for me was the return to the TARDIS console room last seen with the Second Doctor. That was such a delightful treat and one I just absolutely adored. I love the early days of Doctor Who, I would say, more than any other era of the show and hearing that brilliant humming and opening of the TARDIS doors as was the way on screen in the '60s really hit home with me. I found myself reminiscing magically. Leela respecting Jamie after the Doctor talked about his previous companion was just lovely and I do think they'd get along magnificently! The quick advancement in time served well for Krelos getting seemingly pulverised, but K9 was possessed and piloting the TARDIS to somewhere bad. Somewhere the Doctor has been before. Somewhere bad. Overall, an excellent audio adventure! 

Rating: 9/10

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