Monday 17 August 2015

The Weeping Angels of Mons Part 2

"These aren't the sort of angels you want to be touched by."

Writer: Robbie Morrison 
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 13th August 2015
Printed in: DWC #7

Featuring: Tenth Doctor, Gabby


The Doctor and Gabby are trapped in the chaos of World War One, where trench foot is the least of their worries. With the TARDIS seemingly scattered across No Man's Land and the sonic screwdriver in the hands of the military, the Doctor and Gabby must now convince the skeptical Captain Fairbairn that they are not spies - or face the firing squad! Far from the trip to paradise Gabby was hoping for, they're stuck in a desolate wasteland where even the statues are deadly. Can the Time Lord's companion make it out alive?


The Weeping Angels of Mons continued in excellent fashion with this second segment of the four part epic! It's the longest story of Doctor Who Comic yet and I'm already looking forward to seeing its conclusion in the next issue in September with both parts being printed in the same edition! That's going to be sublime I think. I've loved the elements of the story so far with a magnificent returning enemy in the Weeping Angels and a mass of historical reference! Just four days after meeting the conditions of my offer and confirming my place for a History at Bath Spa University, I really enjoyed the continuation of historic mentions. We of course had the ongoing setting of the First World War and the Battle of the Somme but then poor old Wullie getting sent back to 1879 just as the train to Dundee was sent tumbling with the bridge. Not only that though, we got flashes of those sent back in time by the Weeping Angels in Ancient Rome and the 16th century whose fates didn't go well at all. The Doctor looked instantly worried once he knew the Weeping Angels were here. World War One in the midst of the trenches was the perfect hunting ground for them. People were dying by the minute so it's not exactly going to be noticeable when the Angels zap a couple of soldiers back in time. I loved how the Doctor seemed disgusted by the whole affair of this war and he seemed to echoe his comments upon arrival during the same period in The War Games. It does make me wonder sometimes why the Doctor puts so much effort into saving humanity and Earth if he feels the way he does about war. All humanity seems to do is fight each other! I thought Gabby was absolutely wonderful as companion in this part and she's just the perfect example of a comic strip companion. Revolutions of Terror gave her a fantastic backdrop and after her being overwhelmed by the capabilities of the TARDIS in The Arts in Space, she's now really settled into her own and I'm just loving her. The cover story she made up to Captain Fairbairn was absolutely magnificent and I think that's a real defining moment for Gabby as companion. I thought it was quite nice that Jamie obviously took a liking to Gabby and he was definitely not the best at talking to girls who were especially beautiful as in Gabby's case. I loved the Doctor's mention of Jamie! It's not often we get a reminiscing of past companions with the last I can remember being in The Crimson Horror with Tegan getting a mention. I really do like it when past Classic companions get namedropped in a revival era story. The cliffhanger was superb and it's certainly going to be a difficult one for Gabby to get out of that's for sure! I'm liking the threat of the Weeping Angels and they're certainly working out magnificently in comic strip format. I was a bit skeptical that they'd only work on television but this story is proving me wrong. I can't wait for the double header conclusion next month! That's where the rating will come for what is surely an epic. 

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