Tuesday 11 August 2015

Fellow Travellers

"They're relentless and aggressive... and they always travel in pairs."

Writer: Andrew Cartmel
Format: Comic Strip
Released: September - October 1990
Printed in: DWM 164-166

Featuring: Seventh Doctor, Ace


The Doctor and Ace unintentionally pick up something whilst travelling in the TARDIS and bring it to Earth, where the danger can be in literally anything, or anyone...


Fellow Travellers was a very good start to the comic stories in my reading of The Good Soldier graphic novel. I skipped ahead a few pages a couple of days back to read the somewhat disappointing Teenage Kicks which was printed in the DWM prior to the one which this story began so it made logical sense to me. Sadly it gave me a sour taste to start off the graphic novel which I was really hoping to be superb but after reading this, despite the excellent rating, I'm not sure it's going to live up to my expectations when I first bought it shortly after its release. After reading the Voyager graphic novel relatively recently, I was absolutely fine with the comic strip being in black and white but I don't think is going to be up to the standard of that fantastic collection of Sixth Doctor comic adventures. But hey, this was only one story and there are plenty more to come so it's way too early to start judging. I think the name of the story is very clever and I was also very surprised to see that Andrew Cartmel himself was penning the story! Will we be seeing the intended and infamous Cartmel Masterplan pan out in comic strip format? I'd sure love that to happen! At three parts this seemed pretty short considering it was set out over 21 pages and I guess that must be due to a more than usual amount of artwork without speech/lettering. I'm not sure what the possible reason or desire for that may be but that's what seemed to happen in my opinion. The characterisation of the Seventh Doctor and Ace wasn't as good as my recent novel readings but it was an improvement from my latest text story reading with the pair which was nice. I thought the Hitchers were an interesting enemy and I liked the fact that they travelled in pairs as it left the threat still massively open once the first had been defeated in the form of the cat. That scenario playing out was most intriguing I must say. Mrs Lacy being revealed as the other location of the second Hitcher was good and I really liked the Doctor's comment about her being similar to the cat in that it was suited for aggression, just what the Hitchers were after. The resolution was mixed in all honesty I thought with the rage and aggression being only for defence in Ella and that's the only time it would surface again, which would obviously be for good and protection. I liked the Doctor and Ella's relationship very much and it was certainly a highlight of the comic strip. However, the picture that was in itself a reference and a flashback to The Abominable Snowmen was just beautiful. A magnificent inclusion to a great story to kick off the comic strip adventures of this graphic novel. It seems the Doctor owns a hose! 

Rating: 8/10

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