Saturday 2 May 2015

Revelation of the Daleks

"Serve me with your total being and I shall allow you to become a Dalek..."

Writer: Eric Saward
Format: TV
Broadcast: 23rd - 30th March 1985
Series: 22.06

Featuring: Sixth Doctor, Peri


The Doctor and Peri arrive on the planet Necros, home of Tranquil Repose, a funeral home for the galaxy's elite. But is this the Doctor's own final resting place? And why do Daleks guard the inner sanctums of the perpetually interred? Perhaps the Great Healer will have the answers...


Revelation of the Daleks was an excellent story to serve as the finale of the highly impressive twenty-second season. I think this season is unfairly criticised and in my opinion is one of the most consistently great seasons/series in Doctor Who's near 52 year history. It'd been such a long time since I'd watched this story, or any Sixth Doctor story actually, so it was nice to see Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant rather than just listen to them in the audios that I've done in the two and a half years between watches. This was an interesting watch for me because I watched this with my six year old cousin who I've been slowly introducing to previous Doctors as he only started watching the programme with Deep Breath. I'd previously introduced him to the Ninth and Tenth Doctors with Dalek and Human Nature/The Family of Blood so with him enjoying those, I thought it was time to test him out with the Classic series. I was worried that he may find things slow or that the effects weren't great but as soon as the Daleks and Davros made their appearance, he was hooked. It was lovely to see how much he was into the story. To introduce a youngster to the Classics I think you have to start with something they're familiar with and what's better than Daleks? He didn't question the design or the voices which was a positive as I think what he's seen of the Daleks in the aforementioned Ninth Doctor story and in Into the Dalek, the Daleks seemed more impressive in appearance and sound. I though love the design of the Daleks in this story and the idea of dissent amongst the Skaro natives is wonderful. I liked the setting of Necros and the arrival of the Doctor and Peri was certainly intriguing with the Doctor being attacked by a grotesque man who seemed to be some kind of post experiment specimen. My cousin enjoyed the scrap scene which was good to see as it was pretty funny! I loved Peri in this story though I found Jobel's actions towards her very uncomfortable. Like he'd have a chance! She looked absolutely phenomenal. The cliffhanger of part one wasn't the best to be honest and that's probably the main reason why this story doesn't receive full marks from myself. In the garden of fond memories, usually a symbol of remembrance for the dead within, stood a statue of the Sixth Doctor. It seemed as though the Doctor had arrived on Necros in his future. A future where he dies in his sixth incarnation. It was quite sad that he thought he was good for a few more regenerations. All seemed lost. And then the statue fell on him and it seemed the Doctor had been crushed. I'm still not sure that my cousin understands the concept of regeneration so I think the next story we watch together will be a regeneration one. The start of part two was questionable with the Doctor just moving the statue off of him. A poor resolution in an otherwise excellent story. Davros was as mad as ever and I loved how we saw him make the transformation from his tank to the infamous chair. I remember watching the Doctor Who Confidential for The Stolen Earth in which Davros returned to the new series and the continuity in that episode from this story is marvellous with Davros having his hand blown off here and then we see a metallic glove in its place. Tasambeker was an interesting character and I liked how Davros saw her loyalty. Why she was interested in Jobel though I'm not so sure. Kara was a character I really liked and her scheming against Davros was excellent. Her hiring of Orcini and Bostock was good and I thought the former was really quite brilliant. He played the role of assassin so well. My cousin absolutely loved the DJ and I think watching with a younger viewer gave me a different insight on the character. He was for the kids and they loved him! Peri liking him was nice and somewhat expected. His death though just reminded everyone of how aggressive and ruthless the Daleks were. I think this is the first Dalek story since before Genesis of the Daleks that Davros didn't seem more important than his creations which was great. The fact that Davros was trying to convert humans into Dalek was frightening. But then there was the dissent between the Imperial and Renegade Daleks. Those loyal to their creator and those loyal to the Dalek Supreme. Then Orcini carried out his initiative and blew himself up with the complex. But it seemed the Daleks got away. The conclusion was interesting with the lead in to what would become the audio series starting with The Nightmare Fair. Overall, excellent!

Rating: 9/10 

1 comment:

  1. Grand one.
    It was one which help show the 6th Doctor's decency. Instead of turning a blind eye, he chose to help the humans sovle the famine and also felt sorry for the mutant. He was also sicken when he found out Davros turn some humans to Daleks and some to food. Davros be lucky it's far form the 9th one or he's a goner.
    PEri rock on it./ She fought a mutant instead of running, and felt sorry for him. She befriend the DJ and prove a fan. She also shout on Daleks for murdering the poor DJ. She also help blow up a Dalek.
    Oricini was so fiery. An old man but able. And instead of crying or begging for mercy, he face Davros with balls and even stab his hirer for her lack of integrity. HE also gave his lfie to ensure Davros's Daleks fall.
    The Moonlight Serenade rock.
    The DJ tickle em . So funny. Evne took on Daleks with a sonic cannon. Made it sadder when he was slain.
    Davros show himself scarier. He can hover and zap people.
    Poor Nadasha went throught much. She lsot her papa who as convert to a Dalek. She manage to act to help stop Davros's Daleks.
    The scene when the one who manages the palce was slain with the syringe was spiritual. The darkness you do would eventually backfire, as shown when the lady stba him for his abuse.
    I agree. Old Davros's cybernetic hand look better than the organic. Much creepier and skeletal.
