Thursday 30 October 2014

Terrorformer Part 1

"Things just seem to happen whenever I'm around. I'm a magnet for adventure."

Writer: Robbie Morrison
Format: Comic Strip
Released: October 2014
Series: DW12 #1

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Clara


After a thousand years of war on the planet Trenzalore, the Doctor regenerated into a brand-new incarnation! Clara struggled at first to reconcile the Doctor's new face with that of her closest friend, but the pair are now back in the saddle of cosmic adventure, even if this new Doctor is a brusquer and more unpredictable - the kind of Doctor who wishes people would just get out of his way and let him get on with the business of saving them.


This first part of Terrorformer was both an excellent start to not only this brand new adventure for the Twelfth Doctor and Clara, but to the brand new US range of Twelfth Doctor comics by Titan as well. The story started off interestingly with Zaxx and the pre-programmed Clive. The disaster that occurred so early on really set the tone for the rest of the issue and I was mightily intrigued by Clive's reasoning for abandoning his programmer to death. Just who is Hyperios and why this sudden rise? As the cliffhanger at the end of the comic revealed, we'll go some way to finding out next month. The scenes with the Doctor and Clara were terrific and I think this is clearly set prior to Kill the Moon. Clara doesn't seem to be at an advanced stage in her relationship with Danny and she still seems to be clinging on to any last hope of the Eleventh Doctor returning after her referencing of the previous Doctor. Doing my best impression of Peter Capaldi in my head, reading the Twelfth Doctor's response was just utterly magical. The essence of Capaldi was instantly captured and I think the speech would be perfect to appear on television if ever there was a multi-Doctor episode featuring the current and previous incarnations. "The me who thought bow ties were cool. The me who used the word 'cool'." Just wondrrful. I love how each incarnation of the Doctor seems to mock the others when they're all the same person in the end. That's the beauty of Doctor Who. We now have 13 different faces to the Doctor and all are massively different and technically different characters playing the same character, if that makes sense. The humour with Clara walking out ready to ski but opening the TARDIS doors to a tropical world was great. The Doctor didn't care how ridiculous he looked and just like in Into the Dalek he didn't understand the use of makeup and what have you. I loved how the Doctor mentioned that he hated outside interference. We hadn't noticed, had we? The reference to The Caretaker was cleverly placed, as that was The Day of the Doctor's mention. As the story went on I became mightily shocked that it seemed planet's were being converted and then sold! In only the 25th century. Will technology rapidly advance that much in the next four hundred years? I guess I won't be around to see it but if anyone is scouring over the depths of the internet, or what remains of it, in 2414 and discovers this blog then please answer the question in the comments below. It'll be like we're talking through time. Speaking of time, I was shocked that the leaves were copyrighted. I mean was there really much time and relevance in putting a little © on each leaf? I mean, if visitors weren't welcome then what's the point? The ending with Eric and Scrofolus being saved in the TARDIS and joining up with the Doctor and Clara was a great lead in to the next part where I think they'll take on the role of lite companions for the story. The revelation that the signal the Doctor received was Gallifreyan in origin was staggering. I mean, wow! Judging by his reaction to the ancient markings, it wasn't one of the good ones. Hyperios was coming. Rising. And I can't wait to see what that means in the next issue! Whilst the story continues, there'll be no rating but I thought this was outstanding!

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