Wednesday 22 October 2014

Revolutions of Terror Part 3

"Look at that... New York City... a metropolis that stands in myriad forms throughout human history."

Writer: Nick Abadzis
Format: Comic Strip
Released: October 2014
Series: DW10 #3

Featuring: Tenth Doctor, Gabby


Terror has gripped Sunset Park, Brooklyn, on the Day of the Dead, in the form of the Cerebravores, manifesting as people's worst fears! The Doctor left Gabby to keep a bizarre wormhole open, while he travelled to the other end of the dimensional bridge. Now, both face attack... 


Revolutions of Terror was already a very good story leading up to this third and concluding part and now it has a very decent finish! I liked the immediate follow on from the part 2 cliffhanger with both the Doctor and Gabby facing similar threats. I didn't think the menace Gabby was facing was extinguished in enough detail but I loved the scenes across the bridge with the Doctor consoling the unnamed female. The idea that the Cerebravores were designed to be telepathic weapons is a fantastic concept and I loved the horror shown in the Doctor's words once he found out that piece of information. I was intrigued by what we saw when the Cerebravores attempted to embody the Doctor's fears with flashes of the Master, Cybermen, the Beast, a Time Lord (and then later Rassilon) and Sutekh. Are those the things this Doctor really fears the most? I think there's a bit of a continuity issue with the image of Rassilon but to me things that would have had a much bigger effect would have been some flashes of those the Doctor loved or had great friendship with were in pain or even dying. Surely the death of those he takes on adventures is the thing he fears the most? Or even being stuck on Gallifrey once more perhaps. Gabby's singing to keep herself focused on doing what the Doctor asked in keeping the bridge alive with the washing machines was lovely and I loved the courage shown by the brand new companion! The Doctor's dealing with the Cerebravores across the bridge, cutting them off for good, was terrific and that just left him with the small matter of defeating the ones left on Gabby's side, who threatened Earth with their emotive horrors. The idea of the psychosphere, as I've mentioned in the past blog to a previous part, is magnificent and I loved how the Day of the Dead celebration was used against the Cerebravores. Of course, a recycled climax but I don't mind that at all because the story was most certainly unique! I absolutely adored Gabby's first steps in the TARDIS, really well shown out across the top of the page. The artwork, as usual, was top quality and I liked how Gabby was made the hero in her opening story. She inspired the ceremony attendees to carry on singing and to emit those happy feelings, that at such a burst wiped out the Cerebravores. Blanca suggesting that Gabby and the Doctor were an item was quite humorous and is something very common with this incarnation! As was his comment to Gabby when she finally persuaded him to take her with him. Just the one trip, eh, Doctor? Yeah we'll see how that works out! I did love the plea from Gabby though after the Doctor initially declined her asking, but then with a beautiful tie in to the mini arc surrounding The End of Time, with a reference to the Tenth Doctor's song ending soon, he was persuaded and off the pair went into adventures through time and space. I'm unsure due to cost and travel whether I'll be able to continue with the Titan comics but I'm desperate to see how the Tenth and Gabby get along outside of an introductory story! Overall, the three parts as a whole, provided a good and solid introduction for Gabby and it's fresh to have a new character to be recognised as a companion to the Tenth Doctor! Hit and miss in some places but a good start, great plot and some lovely references.

Rating: 8/10


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