Sunday 8 June 2014

The Jade Pyramid

"Wherever we go, terrible things seem to happen." 

Writer: Martin Day
Format: Audio
Released: Martin Day
Series: NSA 3.03

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Amy


Intercepting a distress call, the TARDIS is drawn to a Shinto shrine in medieval Japan, where the Doctor and Amy are met by village elder Shijo Sada. He explains that the ogre-like mannequins surrounding the holy site are harmless guardians, called Otoroshi. At the heart of the temple is an ancient Jade pyramid, so sacred that only the monks may look at it. But the Shogun, the ruler of Japan, what's to possess the pyramid and has ordered seven samurai and a band of soldiers to come to Kokan and seize it. Whilst the Doctor is tracked by a ninja assassin, Amy discovers what happens to trespassers at the shrine. Soon the secrets of the Jade pyramid - and the towering Otoroshi - will be known. 


The Jade Pyramid was quite a good story and is a landmark adventure of sorts from my personal perspective as it was the first new who audio I have listened to. I couldn't have asked for a better reader for my first venture into the format than Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor himself! He read the story superbly and somehow managed to let the reader know when it was the Doctor speaking instead of Smith himself narrating. Sometimes a difficult thing to accomplish as seen in a fee Companion Chronciles. Speaking of that audio range, this format was extremely similar but it didn't quite seem the same because usually in the Chronicles there's an accompanying actor/actress which helps and adds some variation. I think the fact that it was solely Matt Smith, despite his brilliance, hurt my take on the audio. I thought the story started off well, taking place after Cold Blood so I learned and if that was the case then surely the Doctor and Amy would still be grieving, or at the very least mention, the apparent death of Rory. I found Matt's impression of companion Amy quite funny as he sounded rather feminine but almost put in too much emphasis on the Scottish accent. I would have liked Amy to feature a bit more in the story's events but nonetheless where she did appear she was excellent. Despite my liking of Rory, during the television run I would have like some more adventures with Amy as sole companion seeing that's how she arrived. Shido Sajo was a terrific little character and I really liked Smith's take on a Japanese accent! He did a stellar job to be fair and it didn't sound like him at all. The Otoroshi were intriguing villains but I thought their concept was too similar to the Autons. Wouldn't it have been much better to just throw the Nestene and Autons, as familiar and fearsome foes, in at the deep instead of introducing a new enemy species who is almost certain not to be remembered? Nonetheless, I did like them a lot! Tanaka was a pretty good character too. The historic Japanese setting was something I really liked and thought it could have been expanded upon slightly more. The Jade Pyramid's role in the plot was clever and the appearances of Samurais was a magnificent bonus! The climax and resolution was good and typical of the Doctor, even if his quirkiness covered up the fact it was slightly unexplained. But overall, it was a good story but things could have been better! 

Rating: 7/10

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