Sunday 15 June 2014

Planet Bollywood

"A strange new world! Love this bit, it's really cool, don't wander off, Pond - that's the rule! Somewhere new in time and space a thrill you can't replace! On a strange, strange new world!"

Writer: Jonathan Morris
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 22nd July 2010
Printed in: DWM 424

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Amy


The Doctor and Amy arrive on a planet where everyone, including themselves, acts like they are in a musical...


Well, I'm not sure what to make of Planet Bollywood at all! Completely and utterly bonkers is about as adequate a description I can think of at the moment. It was just a lot of fun and a mightily intriguing concept! Short and sweet. It allowed so much, humour, brilliance and intrigue. This comic strip is certainly unique to me, never have I done a who story where the Doctor and his companion just exited the TARDIS and burst into sing song! I loved how despite its craziness, there was actually a really logical explanation as to why practically everybody was in a musical trance. The Muse was terrific and I really liked the ability she possessed, but as the universe has it, where her ability allowed humour others like the Shasarak wanted the power to control to be used for murder. I loved how the proposed villains were just made a mockery of due to being controlled by the musical influence, just wonderful! The Doctor's musical lyrics were brilliant and I liked Amy's enthusiasm shown here in her early days in the TARDIS. The Indian theme, even appearing in the title despite a setting far from Earth, was really good and I liked the references to Indian culture. As an Atheist, I just ignored the religious references as I really just think it's all ridiculous! Rajiv was a fantastic little character and the Maharani was a great part of the story and plot. At just one part long I don't think there's too much to mention other than that this comic strip was completely bonkers and lots of fun! 

Rating: 9/10

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