Monday 14 April 2014

The Wrath of the Iceni

"If there's one thing I hate in the universe its morris dancers, they're right up there with the Daleks and Cybermen."

Writer: John Dorney
Format: Audio
Released: March 2012
Series: FDA 1.03

Featuring: Fourth Doctor, Leela


Britain. The height of the Roman occupation. The Doctor has brought Leela to ancient Norfolk to learn about her ancestors... but has no idea how much education she is going to get.

Because this is the time of Boudica's rebellion. When the tribe of the Iceni rises up and attempts to overthrow the Roman masters.

As Leela begins to be swayed by the warrior queen's words, the Doctor has to make a decision: save his friend... or history itself?


The Wrath of the Iceni was a tremendous story and my favourite of the Fourth Doctor Adventures thus far. I really loved the historical setting of Britain during the Roman occupation, and at the time of the war with the Iceni! This was the education Leela would enjoy but to the Doctor's displeasure, the warrior savage inside her took over and she didn't just want to learn, she also wanted to take part in the war activities against the Romans. Leela riding her emotions with her Sevateem roots was intriguing and after meeting Boudica she was prepared to join her, especially after the Doctor told her of how her daughters were raped before her very eyes. Leela was disgusted and showed just how much of a savage she is. She wanted the Romans to be defeated and suffer for what they did, and she felt so passionately about it that she was prepared to, and to some extent, left and defied the Doctor! The reference to The Renaissance Man was good and humorous, but as the humour between the Doctor and Leela has been so predominant in the first two FDAs, it was the complete opposite here. Very serious indeed. I really loved the character of Bragnar and her relationship with the Doctor when they were both tied up was lovely, playing 'I spy' of all things. So typical Doctor. Boudica was very brutal and warrior like and you could tell she was very confident of victory against the Romans due to her outrage and mockery of the Doctor's 'prophecy' that she would be defeated. It was of course factual history. I liked Leela's inability to comprehend that recorded history cannot be changed. The cliffhanger was tremendous, I particularly enjoyed! Leela's slow realisation as the audio went on that the Doctor was indeed right and things couldn't be changed and Boudica could not be aided was lovely. That was the best education Leela could get. She was learning morals. A great lesson. The climax was wonderful with Leela defeating Boudica in battle but sparing her life - the Doctor is having a terrific influence on his brilliant companion!

Rating: 9/10

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