Monday 28 April 2014


"Voices of war, coming in the night. Taste of blood and metal when I wake. We've got to get this stuff off the ship."

Writer: Brian Williamson
Format: Comic Strip
Released: April 2008
Printed in: Torchwood Magazine 03

Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Ianto


A cargo ship outside of Cardiff Bay has several alien artefacts in its hold which the crew were paid handsomely for transporting. When they first set off the device were dormant. However, when they got in range of the Rift one of the devices began communicating with the crew using telepathy. It foretold tales of war and gave the taste of blood and metal. Spooked, the crew jettisoned the crates into the sea and the Torchwood team found them at the edge of the coast, and found something unexpected...


Jetsam was an incredible Torchwood comic strip! Absolutely brilliant. A fantastic plot, action-packed and many references to the Whoniverse. What more could I ask for? I loved the idea of the carob being filled with alien relics and an image of a naked Torchwood team sparked great humour towards Owen and a child. The giant motorbikes were extremely intriguing and I couldn't get over the scale of them compared to a person. They were just ginormous! Jack's leadership was tremendous in the story with him giving brilliant and clear instructions to his colleagues. The Bad Wolf reference, although probably a little out of time in relation to Doctor Who series one and Torchwood series two, was still wonderfully welcomed! I also liked the very clever reference and imagery of the Beast. The centre of the story being on Tosh was terrific and like Greeks Bearing Gifts and To the Last Man, it allowed the reader to learn a lot more about the brilliant character. The way she was drugged, hypnotised almost, yet still trying to help the rest of the team was magnificent and really showed us what a courageous character she really is, as we'd later see in Exit Wounds. Ianto and Owen helping Tosh's mind to return to normal by an old traditional Japanese story was really nice and a great touch! I adored the action packed nature of the comic strip and thought Gwen quietly shone. The resolution was very good and the motorbikes with a strangely fantastic twist as almost enemies was certainly a first. And it was outstanding! 

Rating: 10/10

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