Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Myth Makers

"But this is not Troy. This is not even the world. This is the journey through the beyond."

Writer: Donald Cotton
Format: TV
Broadcast: 16th October - 6th November 1965
Season: 3.03

Featuring: First Doctor, Vicki, Steven


When the TARDIS arrives on the plains of Asia Minor not far from the besieged city of Troy, the Doctor is hailed by Achilles as the mighty god Zeus and taken to the Greek camp. He meets Agamemnon and Odysseus. Forced to admit he is a mere mortal - albeit a traveller in space and time - he is given two days to devise a scheme to capture Troy.

Steven and Vicki, meanwhile, have been taken prisoner by the Trojans. Vicki, believed to possess supernatural powers, is given two days to banish the Greeks to prove she is not a spy.


The Myth Makers is a wonderful serial and a lovely sendoff for Vicki as companion. The plot was fantastic from start to finish and I loved how, upon exiting the TARDIS, the Doctor was hailed as the God of Zeus. The large guest cast were all marvellous, some real standout characters in there! Cassandra as the evil, but correct, prophet of the future was magnificent and she was the only real antagonist of the serial. Achilles, Odysseus and Agamemnon were all excellent characters and their roles were just great! The setting of the Greek-Trojan war in c.1200 was brilliant and I loved the mythological references and character names. Steven inspiring the Doctor to technically invent, or at least give the spark for, the infamous Trojan Horse was just genius. For such a historically brilliant coup, the Doctor just had to be involved didn't he? I loved how, although reluctantly giving the idea, the Doctor was angered about the events and being inside the horse itself as the Trojans brought it into the city. Vicki was the standout of the serial, and rightly so given that it was her sendoff. Her relationship with Troilus was similar to that of Susan with David in The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and she departed the TARDIS for the same reason as her companion predecessor, but this time she made the choice rather than the Doctor making it for. I loved how she was given an adopted name of Cressida and thought it suited her magnificently. From a personal point, I'm glad she left looking as beautiful as she did in her first adventure after being rescued in The Romans. The climax was fantastic with the brawl ensuing and Vicki telling a shocked Doctor that she wouldn't be continuing her journeys through time and space. I found it interesting and quite sudden that she was replaced abruptly by Cassandra's handmaiden Katarina. She didn't really have a big role in the serial yet found herself on board the TARDIS at the end helping a wounded Steven! I think it'll be quite humorous having on board seeing that she thinks of the Doctor as Zeus, but it's equally unique that she thinks her death is near. Overall though, a wonderful story and a fitting goodbye to Vicki!

Rating: 9/10

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