Tuesday 2 July 2024

Day of the Moon

"Repeated memory wipes fry your brain eventually."

Writer: Steven Moffat
Format: TV
Broadcast: 30 April 2011
Series: 6.02

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory, River


The day of the moon landing has come. After a three month undercover mission to find out all they can about the Silence, the attempts to launch a world wide revolution are put into action. Along with President Nixon's help, can the TARDIS crew defeat beings they can't remember, and who've been on Earth since the time of the wheel?


Day of the Moon was another outstanding episode to continue the story already started in The Impossible Astronaut as an incredible way to kick off the sixth series! This really is audacious stuff from Steven Moffat in his second series at the helm as showrunner where he flipped the series format on its head. Starting with a two-parter worthy of a finale is fantastic and it absolutely works. Of course, watching in hindsight is great and you can pick up on the little hints at what is to come on this epic ride, with the first hint of Madame Kovarian an obvious aside. I remember being a little confused by her cameo appearance on broadcast and I still can’t wrap my head around the fact it was thirteen years ago now, but it seems I’ve reached a point in watching with my girlfriend Gemma where she isn’t 100% on the details which is fun for me to see her react. I pride myself on my Who knowledge so for her to not remember the fate of Amy here was brilliant. I think it’s really fun stuff to know that somewhere she was swapped and the TARDIS readings of her pregnancy being both positive and negative are exciting moving forward, but Gemma thought that meant the result just hadn’t been revealed yet. I’m excited for her to learn more as we delve back in. The moment we hear Amy talking to herself through the chip from the palm is emotional stuff and it did almost shed a tear from Gemma as she really is in love with the Amy and Rory relationship. It’s lovely to see. I think the way the Silence are tackled here with the markings on the skin is very good and I love how Canton captures each of the TARDIS team whilst hiding within the perfect prison constructed to house the Doctor. Seeing him with a beard and in a straight jacket is quite something, but it’s a clever way to get out. The emergence of President Nixon was delightful though as a moment of surprise for the soldiers looking on. Having him vouch for the Doctor after he was caught meddling with the Apollo rocket launch was terrific stuff. The moment the Silence are confronted in their own ship and the message of them orchestrating their own killing infused with the video of the moon landing that will be watched by millions upon millions and many more to come in the future is sensational stuff, and the flirting between the Doctor and River is a scene stealer. The chemistry between Matt Smith and Alex Kingston is palpable. They’re perfect together. I hope we get more of them from Big Finish one day. The scene at the end with River’s reaction to knowing that for the Doctor it was the first time they’d kiss after dropping her back at Stormcage was brilliant. For her it would be the last which just adds to the depths of their troubled and complicated relationship. I think the little shared moment between Canton and Nixon as the former reveals he wants to marry a black man is sensational. It’s so simple yet just perfect. The ending with the little girl regenerating is magnificent and I remember being stunned by that on broadcast. I was so excited. I also enjoy how Rory hears about the pregnancy and the discussions on what their baby might be like or become if conceived in the Vortex was very important even if it wasn’t presented as such. Overall, a tremendous episode!

Rating: 10/10

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