Saturday, 16 September 2023

Tropical Beach Sounds and Other Relaxing Soundscapes #4

"You command your own mind."

Writer: Tim Foley
Format: Audio
Released: April 2020
Series: Torchwood Monthly 37

Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Ianto


You are listening to a self-help tape. You are hearing a soothing voice. You have always wanted to do something with your life, haven't you? Oh, how you've ached to be a better person.

Well now. This is your chance. Go on. Sit back. Close your eyes. Relax. You're going to learn all about Captain Jack Darkness. You're going to learn all about Torchwood.

You're going to change the world.


Tropical Beach Sounds and Other Relaxing Soundscapes #4 was a great story to kick off the latest batch of Torchwood monthly adventures! I quite enjoy the sequence of having six in a row and after the latest sale from Big Finish, I couldn’t wait to pick up the latest mini series! I’m such a big fan of Torchwood and whilst the monthly range does feel like a different series to the current ongoing run with a much revamped team, it’s nice to step back into the good old days of the first two series we saw on television. They’re what established the show so expanding on those adventures is all good in my book. This was an incredibly unique episode as well and one that I think only Torchwood could pull off really. It’s intriguing to have a complete one handed and whilst I do list all of the original five Torchwood team as featuring, I could easily have not had anybody. This was all from the point of view of the mysterious Voice who was attempting to infiltrate Torchwood through the form of a self help tape. I have known about this episode by name for quite a while now, essentially since it was released a few years ago, and it’s always been of interest. I didn’t know it was a one handed prior to listening but I really liked it. It did feel like as a listener I was involved which is quite unique and definitely fun! It’s a different experience and whilst I wouldn’t always want it, I’m all on board for it on occasion. Actually addressing and talking to the listener is good and definitely brings a new perspective to the storytelling. We hear from the infiltrator’s point of view and they were certainly clued up on the Torchwood team! Hearing the descriptions of the personalities of Captain Jack to Owen to Ianto to Gwen were really good and I liked that the Voice had inhabited the body of Jack. He seemed the right person and it was good that Gwen could lock him out. The Voice seemed to think, and rightfully so, that being Jack would mean access all areas. It didn’t quite work out that way though! The slow infiltration on paper might sound a little boring but I think Michael Palin’s narration was excellent in keeping the listener hooked. He did a fantastic job and I felt like I wanted to know what the next move was all the way through proceedings. It was really good stuff. I thought the way we came to defeating the Voice was fascinating as there was a lot left to ambiguity and to the listener’s discretion almost. A psychic weapon is really good to explore but I think to push this story onto the upper realms rating wise, a little more information on what actually happened was required. The title of the episode is quite fun as when we got into the self help tape, this was hardly tropical! But I did find myself ingrained into the episode which is a big credit. I felt a part of it! That’s very unusual and I rather enjoyed it. The way the theme music was worked into the end credits in a distorted form was also a nice touch that added credibility to the format of the story. It felt real. Overall, a great listen!

Rating: 8/10

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