"Something is happening in your life that saddens you."
Writer: James Goss
Format: Audio
Released: November 2020
Series: Tenth Doctor and River Song 1.01
Featuring: Tenth Doctor, River Song
The first time the Doctor met River Song, he saw her die. And now she's asking him on a date. Well, not a date, exactly... More of a mission.
But the Doctor isn't at anyone's beck and call. Or so he thinks. With billions of lives hanging in the balance, can the Doctor afford not to do whatever River wants? Whichever one of him she asks?
Expiry Dating was a very good start to the Tenth Doctor and River Song! This boxset has something I have been incredibly excited about since it was announced and I was very quick to spend my Christmas money on purchasing the set because the prospect is just too good not to listen to. Unfortunately, a combination of work and moving house has meant my wait for the first episode has been longer than I would have liked, but I am delighted to have finally listened and further the adventures of this pairing beyond Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. That in of itself is marvellous and whilst I didn't think the format of this audio with the letter writing was the best use of the pair for episode one, it was still a really fun tale. I just think that to kick off the volume we should have had more of the Doctor and River actually together rather than just conversing via letter. The idea of the pair almost being pen-pals was fun though and the 'delays' between replies on time were amusing. River's desire throughout the audio to convince the Doctor to take an appointment at the Apocalypse Crypt was delightful and I thought River really was wonderful. She revelled in the Doctor not quite knowing who she was and her confidence in the ability she possesses to manipulate the Doctor was terrific. I have to say that the Fifth Doctor's cameo in the story was very amusing with River's drugging of him making sure he was inundated with his future wife! The image of Tegan throwing him against a wall to stop his talking of River was great stuff. The Tenth Doctor catching a glimpse of the Fifth after he was requested to carry out a mission for River was fun and a nice reminder of Time Crash, and the mind virus that prevented the pair from fully recognising each other was a decent addition. The concept of a Quantum Vatican was fun and I thought the highlight of the audio for me was the Doctor's commanding statement when he was under interrogation for theft that River set him up for, when he basically belittled their actions and told them that their god didn't exist. It certainly seems that the Doctor is no fan of religion, and who can blame him? The potential of a fixed point in time being altered was good and the importance that has for the Doctor is clear here, but the way things turned into a misunderstanding with River not actually out to make a profit was terrific and left the Doctor with a lot of egg on his face. To be fair, all indicators pointed towards that being the case and the Doctor's initial reaction to that was very good. The continued missed appointments worked well even if they were slightly repetitive, and I did enjoy how the Doctor left the fate of the fixed point in time up to River as a test for what kind of person she is. To him at this point, she's still a mystery and he's seen her die which is a superb dynamic and I hope that continues for the remaining two episodes. River actually attempting to save everyone through the Doctor was a very good revelation and his reaction to that was priceless. River ending up adding a few zeros to the expiry date of the universe was wonderful and although she meddled, she actually hadn't done anything to break the fixed point in time which I am sure the Doctor must have appreciated. One other notable highlight was the cameo of the Sixth Doctor responding to River's letter and his comments about Mel trying to install a voicemail to bring him into the 1980s. Magnificent. It was quite sad for the Tenth Doctor to realise that he wasn't special with River hoping her message found any one if his incarnations, but that was also superb storytelling. Overall, a strong start and a very good episode!
Rating: 8/10
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