Sunday, 15 July 2018

Robo Rampage

"They figured our technology had advanced so much since the original K1 that we'd now be able to control it."

Writer: Robbie Morrison
Format: Comic Strip
Released: May 2016
Printed in: DWC Free Comic Day 2016

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Osgood


Osgood's on the phone - there's a giant robot rampaging through London!


Robo Rampage was a fantastic little comic strip story! Even though this was only seven pages, it was an absolute treat! Pairing the Twelfth Doctor with Osgood is magnificent and I love that the pair got to have an exciting story together, even if she didn't quite get to travel through space and time in the TARDIS. The story being a sequel to Robot was something I was not aware of and once I saw what I recognised as the K1 Robot, I was instantly sucked into the story - and that was on page one! Now, I was once again a little sneaky and just sat in Waterstones to read this as part of a graphic novel collection and being a student I think I may take up this money saving, albeit slightly rude, method of reading stories. I have to eat! The destruction that the now K2 Robot was ravaging across London was quite monumental and I liked how Osgood had the Doctor's phone number and was calling him to save the day. There was a great reference to The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion once he did arrive on the scene to save Osgood from imminent destruction. She was grateful to have his phone number and couldn't quite believe that he would answer his call so she was very happy when he did! The little cameo of the Fourth Doctor's encounter with the K1 Robot was fantastic and I really liked how Osgood was keen on that look - I think pretty much everyone is to be honest. She knew all about this having occurred at the time of his third regeneration but now the government had ordered UNIT to tackle the idea of living metal again to exploit its potential. The Doctor's reaction to that was outrage which was exactly as expected so that was good. I do wonder how he continues to persist with the human race when they continuously ignore his rather important instructions. He then just proceeded to park the TARDIS mid-air next to the K2 and engage in a little conversation, where it recognised him, and then just jumped out and allowed himself to be caught in the giant robot's grasp. He quickly managed to disassemble the machine using the sonic screwdriver and humorously did so when he was still in the K2's clutches so had quite a trip. Overall, a lovely and exciting short comic strip!

Rating: 9/10

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