Thursday 18 April 2024

Eye of Darkness

"There are no Daleks on Orion."

Writer: Matt Fitton
Format: Audio
Released: March 2015
Series: Dark Eyes 4.04

Featuring: Eighth Doctor, Liv, Molly


It's the endgame. Truths will be revealed, and a hero will make the ultimate sacrifice.


Eye of Darkness was an excellent episode to conclude the fourth and final series of Dark Eyes, and the series as a whole! It's been quite a journey with the Eighth Doctor, Liv and Molly over the course of these four boxsets and one I have thoroughly enjoyed. It was really nice for a number of elements to come together here and I liked how it was mostly just the Dalek Time Controller as the main Dalek threat. Somehow that made things more serious as he was a very unique Dalek given that he had been out of time and was a small element from a previous timeline. The Daleks in question here didn't exactly recognise his authority which was a fun dynamic but the Controller was not messing around when it came to extermination if they didn't have a use. The follow on from Master of the Daleks was very good and I loved hearing Molly call the TARDIS her old favourite line of the tardy box. I love that so much and I'm honestly so sad that she is gone, but her sacrifice was tremendous and a fitting way to round out the series and her story arc. She's been a wonderful companion! It's not like the Doctor will be travelling alone either as we have Liv sticking around for as she is needed which is lovely and I'm really enjoying having her around. She's growing into a brilliant companion and Molly asking the Doctor to look after people and to look out for Liv now before she died was terrific. The fact she was smiling in death knowing that her link to the Dalek Time Controller through the retro genitor particles meant it would die too was superb. It was logical and rounded out everything from the series gone by as the Dalek Time Controller had planned to become at one with the Eminence. It was to become infinite and take the place of Markus Schriver as its creator. The link back to how the Eminence would be created was strong and the Doctor almost laughing at the irony of him being involved in its creation all along was amusing. Of course it would be that way. I liked that there was a possibility before Molly died her history would be restored and she would remember it. I like to think that this was a small reason of why she was smiling. I thought Anya was a very decent character to help compliment the cast for this episode and the depths she was prepared to go to with the bomb inside of her was quite something! She had a strong relationship with both Liv and Molly, and the Doctor thought she was better than what she was showing. It didn't have to be death or killing to get things done or show how important things were. The Eye of Orion setting was good and I loved the prospect of it actually being a Dalek research and development centre. Hiding in plain sight at what is supposedly the most tranquil and peaceful spot in the universe sounds like a sublime front. When Brother Callis was challenged on that it became clear that he was a security key incapable of even remembering the Daleks which was a fine defence mechanism. I thought that was nicely done. The Doctor still not wanting to sacrifice Molly to save millions was admirable if not a little confusing. Sure, he doesn't want to lose her but surely in situations such as this one that numbers do matter. One woman to save millions no matter the connection surely means there's only one choice? Liv helped him understand and Molly assured him he wasn't sacrificing anything. She'd lived her life now and was offering herself willingly. She knew the endgame and was smiling as she brought the Time Controller to an end. Overall, a fitting finale to what has been a superb series! I look forward to the Eighth Doctor and Liv's adventures continuing. 

Rating: 9/10

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