Friday 26 January 2024

The Hero Factor

"When did I ever apply to be a champion?"

Writer: Stephen Cole
Format: Short Story
Released: June 2006
Printed in: Doctor Who Files 01

Featuring: Tenth Doctor, Rose


The Doctor and Rose are enjoying the pleasures of Asskenflatt Minor (the Warp Hotel – the best tea in the known universe!) when they are interrupted by a group of strange creatures with microphones and cameras who start asking Rose what it is like to travel with the future Champion of Askenflatt – the man who will lie his life down to defend the people against Hasval the Destroyer! 


The Hero Factor was a good little story to kick off my reading of the short story prose contained within the Doctor Who Files series of hardbacks. Reaching for this book off the bookshelf really did bring a level of nostalgia as I remember when I first became a fan these were a crucial part of fandom as a young child. I don't believe I actually read the new adventure within the books, but catching up on knowledge and even testing it was something I was very keen to do. It is of course only right that a series such as this one starts with the Doctor as the highlight but it was nice for him to have a companion in the form of Rose for the adventure. Any new prose is welcomed and whilst it's unclear where in their run during Series 2 that this story fits in, it feels like a good representation of the era with the Doctor and companion relationship well captured in the words. It's clear from the design of the book and the way the knowledge is presented in a simplistic form that the target audience for this series was for younger children. The very age I was when I collected the books some eighteen years ago. That in of itself is staggering and actually makes me feel sickeningly old at just twenty-seven! I think I enjoyed and appreciated this story more than I would have at the time of release, well shortly there after as I didn't become a fan until Series 3. The actual story itself was good stuff and I really did like the concept of the Doctor arriving on a planet and being recognised as its champion. If that was going to happen to anybody then it would certainly be him! I am not sure what he was thinking in believing that he and Rose could just have a quiet little holiday. Hell, Rose even wanted a holiday home on Asskenflatt Minor and the way that came back into the plot when it was seemingly just a throwaway comment was very well done. The Doctor and Rose being separated was good and the threats that came from what seemed to be paparazzi was unique which I appreciated. The hologram for the Doctor being on the television show ended a little prematurely and if left to linger longer then the reveal could have been more powerful, but I understand the need to slightly rush that with the shortness of the format. The Doctor being questioned on his payment for being the champion against Hasval the Destroyer was amusing and he was perplexed. If a planet or its people were in need then he was there to provide help. Free of charge! The way he was questioned about the weaponry he used and alluding to potential soft fruit being the only thing he'd consider was fun and a nice nod to the satsuma usage in The Christmas Invasion. Hasval turning out to be behind the questioning and television show charade wasn't much of a surprise, but it was a strong moment when it came. I thought Rose basically saving the day by accident by replicating the Doctor's image over one hundred fold was good stuff purely because of the line it inspired in the Doctor admitting that the way he defeats the enemy is by choosing good friends. That was really poetic and exactly the kind of thing you'd expect and want the Doctor to be saying. Hasval revealing himself because Rose suggested living on the planet was hilarious as he just planned to delay invasion when the Doctor was spotted, but now it had to be accelerated. He truly was the Champion and couldn't be defeated. I mean, it was a little easy for Hasval to be defeated by his own weapon but it was nice to know the Doctor's reputation was on an incredible scale om Asskenflatt Minor. Word got around in a big way! Overall, a decent little read. 

Rating: 7/10

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