Tuesday 9 January 2024

Everywhere and Anywhere: Sins of the Flesh

"How can a mutation be clever?"

Writer: Alfie Shaw
Format: Audio
Released: December 2023
Series: Eleventh Doctor Chronicles 5.03

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Valarie


Is your child exhibiting sinful behaviour? Have they set themselves on the road of eternal damnation? Has everything you tried failed? Feel like you're out of options?

Don't worry. We can help. Bring them to the Rebirth Organisation today. Bring them to be converted


Sins of the Flesh was an excellent conclusion to the Everywhere and Anywhere fifth series of Eleventh Doctor Chronicles! This really has been a magnificent boxset to what is turning out to be quite an incredible run of adventures for the Eleventh Doctor and Valarie. It's so sad that time is running out with only one more boxset to come, but that has allowed for a fully fleshed out story arc across the four boxsets since the new companion joined and the story quality is reaping the benefits. This does feel like a lost series from the modern era and it's pretty darn fantastic. I'm a huge fan of Valarie as the companion and it only feels right that with her not being fully organic, she encounters the Cybermen. It's always great for them to return and they're befitting of the finale. I liked that Valarie had studied the Cybermen back at university and countless modules on them would be very exciting! Give me the history of the Cybermen for a term all day long. She had knowledge on the different models which was fun and the Doctor's comment about the evolution of his old enemies seeing them become less and less human was fantastic. We have had countless Cyber stories in the past so I was really impressed in how this episode gave us something new. It's quite a challenge to tell a new Cyberman story but this one did it tremendously! The concept of the Cyberman being a redemption suit in a religious cult like the Rebirth Organisation was sensational and something I was a huge fan of hearing. It was audacious but just so good. The very fact that the Cyber Leader was going by the name of Alexander was marvellous! These Cybermen had emotions, and the rate of the conversion being masked as a miracle was brilliant. Lilly was a really food character and the way she stood up to her father after almost being made into a Cyberman purely because she had fallen for someone of her same sex was great stuff. It was a powerful moment, but Carmen wouldn't befall the same luxury. She became a Cyberman and having her converted but retaining her voice and partially her personality was disturbing. I mean, a Cyberman on a morning breakfast show? It was all very strange but it worked very well. Macintosh was made to feel a bit of a fool by the end of the episode with how he had welcomed the Cybermen, but I couldn't help feel it wasn't all his fault. The Cybermen can be very convincing! I thought the moment the charade was up for them could have been a little more impactful as it felt a bit sudden, and the triumphant moment from the Doctor and Valarie as they told the Cybermen how they were defeated felt a bit too scripted, but otherwise this was absolutely stellar. I liked how the focus wasn't on All's Fair regarding the fate of Valarie until the end with the companion not wanting the Doctor to look at her thinking of that. The mystery of the phone caller continues and it seems the TARDIS now has a trace, leading us nicely into the next boxset and potentially back to 1893 and Valarie's death. The Doctor's description of always winning but lately losing when it comes to his friends was an emotional moment in what was an outstanding performance from Jacob Dudman as the eleventh incarnation. He absolutely nails it! Overall, a gripping episode that was the right level of dark. Very close to a perfect rating! 
Rating: 9/10

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