Tuesday 6 September 2022

The Dream Nexus

"One single organism covering one entire world."

Writer: Adam Christopher
Format: Audio
Released: May 2022
Series: Interludes 02

Featuring: Sixth Doctor, Mel, Hebe


In the distant future, Earth's empire is held together by the Network, an AI interface that connects all its citizens. But the Network has collapsed, trapping millions in a dream with no way out. Could there be an answer in the fungus forests of Zoda-Kappa? While the Doctor and Hebe use their scientific training to help the research, Mel joins the research too – in a far less pleasant way...


The Dream Nexus was a decent adventure to go alongside the first series of Sixth Doctor Adventures and a welcomed bonus outing for the Sixth Doctor, Mel and Hebe! It probably didn't help that I listened to this story straight after finishing Water Worlds as it's never going to be the same moving from a full cast series into an Interludes adventure like this with just one actor performing the roles of the main characters I have just listened to extensively, but I still think it was a solid outing. There was nothing particularly wrong with Toby Hadoke's performance but it just couldn't capture the glory of the likes of Colin Baker or Bonnie Langford. I thought his take on the Sixth Doctor was actually closer to that of the Seventh Doctor which was a little strange and slightly confusing in parts, but the writing of all three main characters was more than solid. I liked how Hebe featured and although this might sound strange, the fact she was in this story seemed to legitimise her more for me as a companion! There are a vast array of ranges and stories in Big Finish that it's often the norm for characters to appear without the actor voicing them, and that was the case here. I liked how the terrain was described as being flat for her wheelchair which is important given the unique and bumpy locations the TARDIS often lands on. I was intrigued as well that she seemed to know the Daleks by name when the Doctor mentioned not even them having conquest like the organism had on Zoda-Kappa. Perhaps hinting at a future adventure to come? I do hope so! I enjoyed the concept of the 'planet of the mushrooms' as Mel so elegantly put it and she was off on a very long walk in her new and intriguing surroundings. I feel like I'm a bit like Mel myself in that regard as I just love walking and exploring. Hebe and the Doctor were a little more interested in the science which I liked with Hebe's marine biology background seeming coming into play. However, as the story progressed it was clear that it was actually Mel's computer algorithm skills that would be crucial which was nice. Whenever a new companion joins alongside an established one there's potential for them to get lost in the crowd without focus, but this remedied that possibility very nicely. I loved the concept of half of the Earth Empire being in a dream state following the collapse of the Network, and I enjoyed the futuristic setting and the number of colonies tying in with what we know of times to come. I liked the little look at some of the Doctor's collection and having a memento from the opening of Llandudno pier was nice from a personal Welsh perspective. I thought the Holomorph being in Hebe's head was really good and playing on the metal of her wheelchair and then actually speaking through her provided some decent eeriness. I thought their arrival came perhaps a tad late as the explanation for the organism and the dreaming, but Mel working out the algorithm to free the dreamers was nicely done. I'm a big fan of hers and I still don't think she gets the love she deserves. It was perhaps a little sneaky and efficient in just having that code then passed onto the rest of the Empire, but as a whole I thought this was a solid adventure that definitely would have been improved from a full cast. Overall, a good listen! 

Rating: 7/10

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