Sunday 25 September 2022

Into the Stars: Last of the Zetacene

"You can afford losses."

Writer: James Kettle
Format: Audio
Released: August 2022
Series: Ninth Doctor Adventures 6.02

Featuring: Ninth Doctor


The rich and the criminal rub shoulders on Stage Three spaceport – and play high-stakes games for valuable prizes.

The Doctor is always interested in endangered species, and the Zetacene is more endangered than most...


Last of the Zetacene was not the greatest of stories to continue Into the Stars and the sixth volume of Ninth Doctor Adventures. I thought this one had its strong points as my rating reflects, but as a whole I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. I didn't think the Zetacene was overly exciting and I'm not sure enough was really done to try and sell its importance. The fact it was referred to constantly as a swine didn't do a lot for it as the only thing I could compare it to was a pig and that just doesn't feel important, even with the Doctor mentioning how there used to be millions only for there now to be just one left. He was shocked to hear that this was the case, but I think we needed more from the actual creature given the name of the episode and the supposed importance on it. One of the highlights for me actually came from Nel who I thought was a really nice character. It was clear that her purpose was to fill the companion role that is missing in the Ninth Doctor Adventures at this point in the chronology given that these stories predate Rose, and she developed a strong relationship with the Doctor in quick fashion. I loved her little quirk of mentioning different characters and asking if the Doctor knew them. She was often perplexed when he claimed not to! Whilst I did really enjoy her presence and could definitely see the companion material there for her, I was actually a little disappointed that the Doctor seemed to offer her that chance. The story of the Doctor and Rose is such a strong one and this felt like it might tamper with that a little if he was wanting someone else to travel with before Rose changed his war torn mind. The roles of the rich and famous in this adventure was fun though and I liked the pomposity of hearing a lot of those laid with money playing games with high stakes. I don't mind a little tinker or gamble here and there, but the scale of bets being placed here with them simply affording to lose was almost enviable. Selo as the main woman at the games was a decent character and the way she viewed money and considered others was good. She didn't care much for anything other than profit and she didn't care much for the condition of the Zetacene. She was pretty selfish and that worked well for her character. I was not a fan of Succeeding in the slightest and I think the intended humour from his name and the confusion garnered there was just too forced and not funny. It just got tedious by the end which was a shame. The Zetacene being let loose and Selo doing the bidding because she couldn't control it and not wanting that to be seen was a little odd I must say, but her reaction to that being revealed was pretty good. I thought the conclusion was slightly underwhelming from there though with Nel offering to go with the Zetacene after the confusion of her not actually wanting to go with the Doctor instead. It was all over a little quickly and just felt like more of an impact was needed. Overall, not my favourite audio for the Ninth Doctor sadly. 

Rating: 6/10

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