Friday 9 April 2021

The Satan Pit

"This is the darkness. This is my domain."

Writer: Matt Jones
Format: TV
Broadcast: 10 June 2006
Series: 2.09

Featuring: Tenth Doctor, Rose


The Doctor faces an impossible enemy, but can he save the entire universe from the Beast? His beliefs will be questioned and his compassion for Rose will be tested to the limits. And with the TARDIS lost, the Ood possessed, and oxygen running out, will this be one battle he doesn't walk away from victorious?


The Satan Pit was an excellent episode and a great way to conclude the story already started with The Impossible Planet! I was a really big fan of the opening episode for this two-part adventure and this concluding half certainly didn't let me down. I do think things normalise a little too easily after the cliffhanger with the planet returning to orbit and the Ood not providing much of a threat other than their presence, but from there what we have is really tense and exciting. It really is a jam-packed and action-full forty-five minutes. I like how we have an entire episode with the Doctor and Rose separated and that really allows the latter as the companion to display her qualities. She's clearly experienced enough by now in life with the Doctor and everything that entails so her demonstration of her ability to think logically and calmly when under pressure was really good. It was an impressive performance for Billie Piper I felt and it perhaps goes unnoticed. To all intents and purposes, the Doctor and Rose believe they have lost each other on at least one occasion during the episode, whether that be from the cable snapping or the Doctor seeing the rocket take off. The acceptance of that was difficult for both and the scene where the Doctor descends into the pit and can't tell Ida that he loves Rose as what are potentially his parting words is a powerful moment and it's rare to see him vulnerable like this. It's a scene my girlfriend Gemma, an unapologetically lover of Rose (in fact, she explicitly said she was in love with her as we watched the episode), felt was so sad given how perfect she finds their relationship. It's just here or there for me in the overall story arc, with the most intriguing element of that for me being the mentioning of the Torchwood Archive. I thought the deaths that occurred throughout the episode did well to sell the predicament the Doctor and Rose faced and the peril that this impossible planet was in. Jefferson's is perhaps the most difficult as he was too slow to reach the door as Zach fed the air through to the others escaping. He went out with honours and that final request to speed up the removal of oxygen was quite something! Toby has a strong episode and I was so fascinated that the fact he was a virgin was brought up in a derogatory way as that would never fly nowadays, especially in a show watched by children! Gemma and I have a child on the way and I can't imagine explaining that term fully and why it was used to belittle him. The reveal that he was still possessed by the Beast was excellent as she ordered the Ood and then Rose eventually sees him killed by sending him plummeting into the black hole. The theme of belief in the episode was brilliant and I loved how the Doctor had the urge to descend the pit. I was stunned that he initially wanted to retreat! Very uncharacteristic. His encounter with the Beast and realising that this creature, supposedly spawned before the universe, was the origin of Satan, the Devil etc was fantastic. I like how this provides an explanation for religion. His mind being elsewhere from the physical form was really good and the Doctor destroying the Beast despite what it would mean for himself and sacrificing Rose, because he believed in her was wonderful. A really powerful moment. That scene where he falls back into the TARDIS is so good and just full of triumph. I'm a massive fan. Overall, a really strong episode!

Rating: 9/10

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