Monday 5 April 2021

Rise of the Cybermen

"We're all flesh and blood, but the brain is what makes us human."

Writer: Tom Macrae
Format: TV
Broadcast: 13 May 2006
Series: 2.05

Featuring: Tenth Doctor, Rose, Mickey


The TARDIS is trapped on a parallel Earth, where Rose discovers that her father is still alive, but sinister forces are at work and British society is being prepared for the Ultimate Upgrade. Meanwhile, an old enemy of the Doctor's is about to be reborn in a new and terrible shape.


Rise of the Cybermen was an outstanding episode to continue my rewatch of the modern era with Gemma as we embark on the show together for the first time! Well, excluding the latest three series broadcast since we've been together. For some strange reason, this episode and the one that follows were the ones I was most looking forward to watching again because I know they are classics but it seems an eternity since I last watched them. It was hugely impressive and even though this has the feeling of being a part one throughout, it is sensational. It's a magnificent setup for what's to come and sets the scene for the next episode in an incredible way. The use of the parallel Earth works wonderfully well and the scene in the TARDIS with Mickey pressing the button for around half an hour after the Doctor had forgot about him was tremendous. Poor old Mickey, he's such a delight and I love how he was able to use his position to get exploring the alternate world by himself. When it came to a decision between him and Rose, who was the Doctor likely to pick? It was a no brainer. The prospect of the TARDIS dying is fantastic and I love the emphatic nature in which the Doctor announces it. There's simply nothing to fix. An alarming thought for our TARDIS crew. Mickey bragging that they've actually just ended up on Earth is great and the zeppelins are a terrific way to establish that this is Earth, but not the one Rose and Mickey are from. Rose seeing that her dad is still alive and actually very successful is excellent and the Doctor immediately knows that it's going to cause some sort of trouble. He tries to get through to her that this Pete is not her father, but of course she's going to want to pay a visit. The moment Rose gets through to the Doctor and convinces him of going to the Tyler residence is brilliant. The use of Cybus Industries is superb and I love how every company seemingly falls under their auspices. John Lumic makes for a chilling villain and head of the company and his demonstration of the Cybermen in action is fantastic. This is such a good way to introduce the new audience to the old foe and the parallel world allows us to see them created a new. It's a brilliant origin story and Lumic appealing to the President when denied permission to create a new race was chilling with him dying. The relationship between this Pete and Jackie is intriguing and I thought Camille Coduri was outstanding in this alternate role. Her reaction to Rose talking up Pete after she's learned they've secretly split up is quite something! I love the humour that comes with Rose in this universe being a dog and the Doctor's reaction just makes it funnier. Mickey getting to see that his gran is still alive in this universe is wonderful and he really is overcome with emotion. It's a heartwarming moment before the Preachers come to take him! Their mistaking him for Ricky is a lot of fun and the fact that Mickey's alternate is London's most wanted is a stark contrast to the man we know! The moment where the pair meet is also just wonderful. Noel Clarke is on point with his dual performance. Impressive stuff. Everything leading to the birthday party of Jackie is magnificent and after seeing the homeless rounded up enticed by food, the first emergence of the Cybermen crashing the party and smashing through the window panes is outstanding. The design is excellent and I think the sound effects of their stomp is really well done. Their 'delete' phrase debuting works well and is such an important selling point to the merchandise boom that occurred in this early era of the modern show. The Doctor offering his and the group's surrender but the Cybermen denying it and instead threatening deletion makes for a great cliffhanger at the end of what is an excellent episode!

Rating: 10/10

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