Thursday 12 December 2019

Mistress of Chaos Part 4

"The Herald is my future."

Writer: Scott Gray
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 12th December 2019
Printed in: DWM 546

Featuring: Thirteenth Doctor, Yaz, Ryan, Graham


The Doctor and Graham are stuck in the Catastrophia with Dogbolter wholly uncooperative. The former is faced with a stark realisation about her future to which there is no remedy. The Doctor is faced with knowing that the true nature of the Herald...


Mistress of Chaos continued in good fashion with a great and intriguing fourth part! More of that shortly, but this looks set to be a fantastic issue of Doctor Who Magazine! The focus is firmly set on the upcoming twelfth series for which I am hugely excited. The preview of Spyfall, the umbrella title for the first two episodes, will be something I am very interested in reading and I love the idea of a James Bond style episode. I think that will suit Jodie's Doctor very well and is the perfect way to kick off a series that has a lot to live up to. Now, I will be rewatching Series 11 very soon and whilst I thought it was mostly great, it was quite different to the previous years and there needed to be more familiar elements. That has been remedied this year with the Judoon and Cybermen set to return and I'm sure the team will have a desire to silence their critics. I have no doubt they will smash it out of the park so Chris Chibnall's interview will be something I greatly anticipate. I've already read his little Production Notes column and reading of how the entire team behind Series 11 received an honorary doctorate was quite mind-boggling! I've always been sceptical about those awards, but I have just had confirmation that I am now a Master of Arts so who am I to disagree with the higher education system! The continuation of the interview with Andrew Cartmel will be terrific as he always makes for telling reading and hearing of his plans for the Seventh Doctor was fantastic, particularly his hatred for the Time Lord term! Having Tosin Cole as the subject of Out of the TARDIS will be very good and is a good choice with Series 12 impending. I'm looking forward to meeting the team as well and just previewing what I'm sure will be a brilliant series! Now, back to the comic strip and I thought this was a good continuation. Ryan finally got to show a little bit of his personality in showing Sondola that the Doctor really was quite alright and wouldn't actually kidnap Dogbolter through using her liking of him to his advantage. The moments in the Catastrophia were interesting and I am very intrigued to see what the Doctor's next move will be. She now knows that she will become the Herald in the future which means that she doesn't escape the Catastrophia. That in itself is quite the surprise, but I found the cliffhanger even more intriguing. Just what is the blue-gemmed Doctor-like woman that unhooded herself and seems to be in control in the realm? Another future inevitability for the Doctor? I look forward to seeing where that goes! Mother G continued to be a fascinating character and I was quite surprised to find that she was once in Castle Houska giving directions to Yaz. Just how she travelled in time was not yet revealed, but she seemed to know all about the Doctor being in the Catastrophia and what that meant. I am sure she will be key in solving things and I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up in there with the Doctor. Graham's fate is something I am also looking at with interest as he doesn't seem like he will have much to offer. Dogbolter demanding a lot of the Doctor was good and I hope she knows more than she's letting on but I am not sure she does. Overall though, a very good continuation!

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