Wednesday 20 June 2018

The Clockwise War Part 3

"I'll tell you about the worst day of the Time War."

Writer: Scott Gray
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 31st May 2018
Printed in: DWM 525

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Bill


Fey Truscott-Sade is after the Doctor. Bill is in mortal danger and the Doctor has returned to his past and needs a file from the Cornucopia Archives. He is reunited with Annabel Lake but there's more of his past catching up with him. Elsewhere, a Time Lord arrives in 19th century Earth - will a connection be made?


The Clockwise War continued in excellent fashion with this third part. There's an awful lot going on so I'll take a break and look ahead to the magazine itself first. I am incredibly late blogging the latest DWM comic strip which as a result of a number of things in my personal life and I still haven't quite managed to finish the previous month's issue. This one looks set to be very good though and I love seeing the Fourth Doctor on the cover. An interview with Tom Baker is always something special and to read his thoughts about Season 12 in particular will be intriguing. The Contents page seems to be a little revamped in font which is fresh and the Editor's Note looks lengthy which I like. I am very excited to read the interview with Georgia Tennant ahead of the Jenny audio spin-off, something I am mildly interested in so hopefully this interview will persuade me further! I am quite intrigued to see what stories the Time Team will be covering although I felt that in the previous issue there wasn't a lot of space for individual stories and it seemed like they were trying to do too much which was a shame. The previous format worked much better in my opinion. The continuation of the New Faces article should be very good and I'm also looking forward to the Holmes Master Plan piece. That should be quite something. Anyway, back to the comic strip and I was quite surprised that there was yet more setting up done. This looks set to be a lengthy sendoff for the Twelfth Doctor and there's just so much going on! We have the whole story with Fey. We've seen the Doctor re-encounter Gol Clutha and Count Jodafra and now we see Totika and Bass Reeves encounter a Time Lord. How they're going to be connected to the failed regenerations I'm not quite sure, but I am excited to find out! The Doctor and Bill meeting up with Annabel Lake was good and I like how DWM never forgets its past. Sadly, I am yet to read the Endgame graphic novel so I don't know the whole story regarding Fey and Shayde but I was glad of the flashback and brief recap so readers like me know what's going on. Bill standing up to the Doctor and demanding to know what was going on following their escape from the entropy bubble was good and I think her characterisation has been nailed in this comic strip. The cliffhanger was incredible and hugely unexpected as it appears we're going to get a visual story of the Time War, featuring a very young looking War Doctor. I am hugely excited to see what part four brings and to see just why Fey is so against the Doctor and is targeting Bill. Overall, a fantastic continuation of the story.

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