Tuesday 12 June 2018

In Memory Alone

"The Silence are still here..."

Writer: Matt Fitton
Format: Audio
Released: November 2016
Series: UNIT: Silenced 3.04

Featuring: Kate, Osgood


When Sam Bishop and Osgood visit an orbiting space station for a routine mission, they have no idea that they are part of an alien scheme, years in the planning.

As the global situation spins out of control, Kate seeks help from an unlikely source.

The Silents are not done with humanity yet - and they will have their revenge.


In Memory Alone was a very good audio adventure to finish what has been a very impressive third series of the UNIT spin-off. Silenced really has been a treat and the Silence were brought back fantastically. They were splintered and scattered but they were still at their evil best. I really liked how, once they had seemingly managed to overturn the Doctor's brilliance and freed themselves from slaughter in the Moon Landing video, they were now after revenge. I liked how their plan tied in nicely with the previous events of the series and they used the news footage of the whole LeBlanc situation to turn the people of Earth against each other. The Silence really were getting politically involved as they wanted conflict with their latest message. They were turning people and countries against each other and they planned on letting humanity destroy themselves. It was quite cunning and conniving which was great and I did think that the Silence needed to go after revenge. It reassured us that they were monsters and they weren't content with just being freed. I liked how UNIT thought they had already dealt with the threat of the Silence long ago but once pushed for an answer as to how, they weren't exactly sure. Kate was great once again and she really has been a terrific lead character in the series. Her dealing with the persistence of Jacqui McGee has been brilliant and I did not expect the latter to have such a prominent role. She kept pushing UNIT to deal with the Silence but I was quite intrigued as to how she managed to maintain her memory of them. She even had an image. I thought the way that the Silence were ultimately defeated was unexpected and not as strong as I had hoped but the idea of some ambiguity was good. Osgood and Sam being in space, as well as the setting, was pretty cool and unexpected for a UNIT story but it was a welcomed change to the usual present day Earth setting. Their being manipulated was very good and I liked how much trouble they were causing back on the planet politically. The reference to Sarah Jane and UNIT hiring journalists in the past when it came to Jacqui McGee possibly joining the team following her help here was wonderful and it was nice for UNIT to reference their past. I'm a big fan of that. UNIT keeping an image of a Silent on every desk and filing the case under every letter of the alphabet was good and even when defeated, UNIT being cautious showed just what kind of a threat they presented. Overall, a very good conclusion!

Rating: 8/10

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