Sunday 6 May 2018

Aliens Among Us: Tagged

"The card knows..."

Writer: Joseph Lidster
Format: Audio
Released: February 2018
Series: Torchwood 5.10

Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Mr Colchester, Orr, Yvonne


"I know what you've done. I know what you'll do."

The phrase starts appearing everywhere around Cardiff. On posters. On the internet. It's just a prank, isn't it?

Only a wave of vigilante crime spreads through the city. People are taking revenge. Suddenly everyone knows what you've done. And they know what you'll do.


Aliens Among Us continued in great style with Tagged. I was quite surprised with how little Captain Jack featured but given that he was pushed from a rooftop at the end of the previous episode, it shouldn't have been too much of a shock. Yvonne Hartman was in full control of all things Torchwood now and that presented an interesting dynamic for the team. She was different to how things had been under Jack and the Hub was a lot tidier and organised now. She really did seem to know about everything that had gone in the first two boxsets as she was well aware of who Tyler was when he briefly appeared to tell Gwen of the murder surrounding the card. I thought the theme of this episode was very good and contemporary and with social media seemingly running the world at the moment, it worked very nicely. The quote was catchy and intriguing and it immediately gets you recalling everything you've done in your past. Serena was an interesting character and the moment before the opening credits where her narration suddenly turned sour as she explained that she was raped and pushed the culprit in front of a bus was fantastic. The mood instantly turned which I was a big of happening. It was nice to hear Andy again following his recent troubles and he got to meet Yvonne for the first time which was good. She seemed quite interested in him as she asked him out for dinner but I sense that her motive is something more than simply finding him attractive. This story finally saw some brilliant development for Gwen and the alien who is posing as her. Serena was covering her tracks in the murder investigation as she suspected that Gwen had worked out that she wiped the tapes showing her killing Mike so she ran her over. It was very sudden and that sold the impact superbly. Gwen, or whoever she is, was not easily killed but when she spared her saviour because he'd seen that she was an alien, it appeared that she wasn't evil at all. I look forward to finding out the truth about her in the final two episodes of the series. The Sorvix have been relatively quiet in these two opening stories but a nice reference to Superiority Complex saw that they were still lying around. Mr Colchester's accusations towards Jack were quite surprising and the latter really does seem desperate now. The reference to Children of Earth: Day One was excellent and I thought the whole concept of the Meme (a great dubbing of the psychic creature) was good but the way Yvonne stopped it was far too easy for my liking. It was quite quick which was a shame but as a whole, the episode was still a very good one. We're still some way from answers, but we're getting closer. Overall, a good episode!

Rating: 8/10

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