Tuesday 8 May 2018

Aliens Among Us: Herald of the Dawn

"Did you know God is coming?"

Writer: James Goss
Format: Audio
Released: February 2018
Series: Torchwood 5.12

Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Mr Colchester, Orr, Yvonne, Tyler


It all starts normally enough. A car park full of ramblers is incinerated by a thunderbolt.

But the next day it's clear there's something very wrong. Something's changed. Something's coming. It's the end of the world. And that's what Torchwood are best at.


Aliens Among Us concluded in intriguing style with Herald of the Dawn. Whilst the story was a great one full of action and questions about Gwen getting answered, I can't help but feel a little short-changed by the fact that a 12-part series across three different boxsets still ends on a cliffhanger! I had questioned in my recent blog entries regarding the previous stories in this third volume that there was a lot to tie up in this finale and I was proven right as there were still things left unanswered. Mr Colchester has stopped breathing and may be dead. The true motives of Yvonne Hartman are ambiguous and we don't know what is coming through the Rift, even after such a long build. I'm not sure that there's even been an announcement regarding the possibility of series six or an extension to this fifth series but I sure hope that I get some answers in the near future. I was delighted that the truth about Gwen was revealed in this episode and she finally managed to break free of the mysterious imposter, credited as Ng. She was scared of something coming through the Rift and wanted to try everything to prevent it passing through but Jack was onto her and his previous suspicions were soon proven correct. He, Mr Colchester and Rhys had all been suspicious of Gwen in recent months and now they knew why she hadn't been herself. Because she wasn't. The moment Gwen was able to break free was terrific but what followed was quite shocking and emotional. Being imprisoned in her own body, she'd had time to think and she knew now that her days at Torchwood were over. She loved Jack and everything about her dream job but her life was all about Rhys and Anwen now. You had to respect that. She left the team and it seems like her days in the team are over. Yvonne meeting with Ro-Jedda was quite unexpected but the pair seemed to get on very nicely. The recognition that the Sorvix were simply alien and not an enemy. There was a nice reference to UNIT with Kate getting mentioned and I liked the aftermath of Escape Room getting a quick do-over from Yvonne. The mentions of Carmarthen were humorous and I loved how he managed to sneak in a bit of Welsh. His continued relationship with Yvonne is very interesting and I look forward to the developments there. The mention of Esther was wonderful and I was also glad to see Tyler back in a prominent role. His betrayal of the Mayor would have consequences and the assassin that was hired to bring him back to Ro-Jedda for lunch provided difficulties in the Hub with Mr Colchester feeling the full effects. Jack's connection with Red Doors is good but the airport getting targeted was quite a surprise. The religious theme and constant murmurings of "God is coming" was great and I was very intrigued that God was seemingly referred to as "she". I do wonder if that will have any connection with Gwen and her story for the series. The story ending with the Rift being reopened and 'God' apparently arriving was a little disappointing as it seems like a long time to wait for yet another cliffhanger. After 12 episodes, the story seems far from done. But for now, this was a great standalone episode!

Rating: 8/10

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