Sunday 5 July 2015

Kane's Story/Abel's Story/The Warrior's Story/Frobisher's Story

"The Skeletoids have demolished two mighty empires. They're at the gates of the planetary federation. The Draconian Empire will be next."

Writer: Max Stockbridge 
Format: Comic Strip
Released: September-December 1985?
Printed in: DWM 104-107

Featuring: Sixth Doctor, Peri, Frobisher


As the threat of the Skeletoids, the most dangerous monsters in the universe, draws nearer, the Doctor, Peri and Frobisher are joined with unlikely allies with the quest to save the galaxy.


This comic strip adventure, which should have an umbrella title, was a great finale to Voyager. The blog will be a little different in that I will post my entry after reading each part to actually give us a four-in-one blogged story! 

Kane's Story

This was a very good opening part to what looks set to be a brilliant four-part adventure to conclude the Voyager graphic novel! She's finally back on board the TARDIS - Peri has finally arrived back on the TARDIS and this time she's not an illusion. The reference to Funhouse was very good though I'm not sure it required asterisk with it being the last story. The Doctor and Frobisher crash landing in the middle of what seemed to be a robotic city was pretty humorous but there didn't seem anything funny about what the Doctor and co would surely soon be up against. The Skeletoids didn't need much selling as a threat when it was revealed, and shown, that they had crushed the Dalek and Cybermen empires! The Doctor's two deadliest foes. Now they were after the Draconians. Quite a list they were gathering! The Draconian looming in the background at the start was also fantastic! But now, with Peri picked up and the services of the in the know Kane acquired, it looks like the Doctor may be attending a meeting in which Davros and the Cyber Controller are present...

Abel's Story

This was a decent second part to the story though it didn't continue the story quite how I was expecting. We had a lot of insight into Abel and I do hope it was worth the pages and he plays a big role in the final two parts as the TARDIS team didn't feature at all and the story mainly comprised of a news bulletin following the Skeletoid occupation of yet another planet. These enemies seem to definitely be ones not to mess with! They were executing off-worlders and tourists and would soon take over the space ports. These monsters meant business. I'm intrigued to see if there'll be any further mention of the suits. I'm also fascinated by the science of alchemy that Abel is famous for. Will that play a role in the next two stories? The ending was quite humorous with the TARDIS changing course without its pilot even knowing! And we look set for the return of the Draconians in part three, with the Cyber Controller confirmed for the summit but no word from Davros. However it was great that he was featured in a cameo! 

The Warrior's Story

This third part of the finale of the Voyager graphic novel advanced things on tremendously! I think it's very intriguing that we get to see things from a Draconian's point of view and I really am glad that they've returned more than once since Frontier in Space in this graphic novel. They're extremely underrated in my opinion so it's nice for them to be returning here, but not in the capacity one might expect. I like how it's typical of Davros to keep stalling on whether he'll appear at the galactic summit or not, though I am surprised no mention of Resurrection of the Daleks has been made. Maybe that'll come when the Doctor hears of Davros's involvement. I do hope we get an appearance from the Cyber Controller though - even if it's just a cameo! The introduction to the President who I assume will be conducting the summit was good and I thought he was a great character. Edd was quite humorous as his assistant of sorts. It seemed like things were going sour as the Skeletoids draw closer to conquest with Abel presumed dead and the Draconian missing on Xaos, but the cliffhanger to lead into the final part was magnificent! The team of the Doctor, Peri, Frobisher, Kane, Abel and the Draconian had all been drafted to save the galaxy! That's quite a formidable team and now I'm really looking forward to what should be a very exciting climax.

Frobisher's Story

This was an intriguing end to the story but wasn't quite what I was expecting. Sadly I thought this was actually the worst part of the story, not that it wasn't good, but it just seemed to rush by awfully quickly! Considering the Skeletoids were dubbed as being one of the most dangerous villains in the cosmos, they were defeated awfully easily. Don't get me wrong, the team of the Doctor, Peri and co was strong but the method of defeat was too quick for my liking. After all the great build up this seemed like an anti-climax of sorts. Despite that, there were definitely positives with the Sixth Doctor and Kaon working together in an unlikely alliance. A good Draconian? I am hopeful that theme doesn't continue if the foreshadowed future meeting does occur. I've been very critical of the Ice Warriors not being evil and I hope the Draconians don't go down that same path. Peri was in action which was nice though she's been awfully quiet since making her comic strip debut. Considering this was from Frobisher's point of view, he didn't have much to do either. The banter between him and the Doctor is good but this wasn't what I was hoping for in a climax. 

However, overall this finale was a great ending to what has been a brilliant Voyager graphic novel. I've really enjoyed it with Voyager and Once Upon a Time Lord really standing out as phenomenal stories. We've seen the arrival of a new penguin companion, a new barmy Time Lord villain in Astrolabus and the return of the Draconians! A good finale.

Rating: 8/10

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