Thursday 26 March 2015

In the Forest of the Night

"I hope I'm right. It would be slightly awkward if the world was destroyed at this point."

Writer: Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Format: TV
Broadcast: 25th October 2014
Series: 8.10

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Clara


With a potentially fatal solar flare heading towards Earth, what can the Doctor do when he exits the TARDIS to see that London has become engulfed in a forest? He quickly joins with Clara and Danny and the year 8 gifted and talented group to find the answers. 


In the Forest of the Night was a very good episode but unfortunately for the first time in my Series 8 rewatch an original rating has gone down by two clear marks. I'm not sure why I enjoyed it so much on broadcast that I thought it deserved full marks because whatever I felt then, I didn't get it this time around. Don't get me wrong, the episode is very good but it doesn't garner full marks! I liked the start with Maebh knocking on the door of the TARDIS, apparently lost but looking for the Doctor. The Doctor not seemingly interested in the lost little girl at first was what's become typical of this incarnation. I love it and think it's brilliant I must say. The Doctor's reaction to finding out that the TARDIS had landed in the middle of London, but was surrounded by a giant forest was superb. Capaldi really is already a sublime Doctor. I was suprised by Maebh's reaction to the TARDIS being bigger on the inside as she just seemed to ignore the fact! She just thought it was supposed to be that way which was pretty intriguing. Once Maebh had mentioned Miss Oswald, the Doctor's description of her was fantastically hilarious. It seemed obvious that a little girl wouldn't quite understand. I love his continued stance from The Caretaker in calling Danny a PE teacher despite everyone around him reiterating that he's a maths teacher. I liked the later reference to Time Heist also, whilst I'm speaking of past story references. The class trip for the year 8 gifted and talented group was a nice idea and I liked how they were staying over in a museum. The reactions of the pupils and their teachers, Clara and Danny, to seeing London engulfed by a forest was terrific. I liked the Doctor's mentioning of that throughout history, the forest has always been included in the nightmares of mankind. So here it was, our nightmare realised. The entire planet had become one great big forest. The Doctor working out why a conglomeration of trees had just covered the planet ever so slowly but surely was superb. The connection with Maebh was good and I just loved the Doctor's asking of what she was doing constantly with her hands. Clara ringing the Doctor up to tell him that she was going to show him something amazing this time was wonderful as he'd already seen the grand thing she was ebullient about. Poor old Clara. The Doctor always knows more than you. This episode was easily my favourite of Danny's and the first one where I think I might have actually liked him. It was nice seeing how he put the children before everything. I was surprised by the comment that the present day setting was actually in 2016. I know during the Third Doctor era that the production team liked things to be set a little into the future but I'm not entirely sure I'm a fan. At least we're getting closer to Salamander taking over the world! Only a few years now. The revelation of the thoughts that connected Maebh to knowing what would happen was great. I wasn't sure though about including wolves and a tiger as a threat for the Time Lord and companion. The use of animals is something I'm not a fan of in Doctor Who. The few times it happened in the Classic series I can't say I enjoyed it for the most part. The revelation that the trees, which somehow were flame resistant despite being wood, has spawned to protect the planet from an incoming solar flare which would've proved fatal was actually quite nice. Despite everything we humans do to ruin the climate and increase global warming, it's comforting to know that our planet likes us and will protect us. Ruby was a great little character I must add - I really liked her bluntness. The scene where the trees held off the flare was nice and I liked the lead in to the finale with yet another appearance from Missy. Overall, a very good episode but I'm not sure what I was thinking on broadcast giving this full marks! 

Rating: 8/10

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