Sunday 4 January 2015

The Almost People

"Why should we suffer for the sake of human beings?"

Writer: Matthew Graham
Format: TV
Broadcast: 28th May 2011
Series: 6.06

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory


As the conflict between the miners and their Gangers escalates, the Doctor has to deal with Amy's distrust of his Ganger, while Rory still tries to help the ever increasingly mysterious Jennifer...


The Almost People was a very good climax to the story that started with The Rebel Flesh. Both episode names are pretty much perfect for what you're getting in the story and here I loved the opening dialogue that followed the terrific cliffhanger of the Ganger Doctor arriving. I loved the initial anguish the Ganger was feeling as he tried to cope with previous regenerations and the many different bodies that came before the one he was currently in. We had some wonderful Classic references literally spewed out at us with the infamous end line from The Dalek Invasion of Earth where the Doctor said farewell to his granddaughter and then we literally heard the Fourth Doctor's voice asking if you'd like a jelly baby. That was quite a shock I must say! I loved the Third Doctor reference being also thrown in with the mention of reversing the polarity of the neutron flow. I was intrigued that the Doctor wanted proof his Ganger was in fact him and wanted a description of the little gem of an enemy not seen for so long in the Cybermats. Now watching in hindsight I love how that's a subtle hint of their return that will come later this series in Closing Time. Amy showing more compassion towards the non-Ganger Doctor wasn't exactly a surprise but I loved how that was played upon during the episode. The fact the two Doctors had switched shoes was a simple but genius ploy and it allowed neutrality on both sides of the fight. The Doctor saying being almost the Doctor was basically being John Smith was something I really liked, especially having recently watched Human Nature/The Family of Blood. The plot of the episode was decent throughout and the trick played by Jennifer on Rory by creating another Ganger was excellent. Although I wasn't sure on her intentions and I didn't like the design of her 'growth', it was all too reminiscent of the pretty poor creature we saw in The Lazarus Experiment. Cleaves relationship with her Ganger was very good and I liked how she was clueless enough to set a password to the rescue team when the very person she was fighting would think of exactly the same. How do you defeat yourself? It's not quite you but it's more or less the same. Jimmy's death and the survival of the Ganger was an extremely emotional scene and I liked how the human version wanted his Ganger to take his place as Adam's father and look after him. When daddy finally came home that was a lovely scene and at least the Doctor had something to smile about, even if the fight was over thanks to Jennifer's horrible actions. The Gangers saw that they didn't need to be or even want to be monsters. They could co-exist and with the TARDIS they'd be stabilised. But Jennifer's Ganger was going over the top and the Gangers of the Doctor and Cleaves would stay and defeat the threat while the others would escape in the TARDIS, which made a rather splendid entrance. The Doctor's Wife was comically referenced by both versions of the Doctor. When all was set and done and Cleaves and co set off into the press conference to tell the world the truth, the series arc came to an end as all was revealed about Amy's pregnancy and the Eye-Patch Lady. Yes, Amy was pregnant but not the Pond that'd been travelling with the Doctor for most of this series. She was trapped somewhere under the watch of the midwife with an eye-patch. Amy was pregnant, and the secret about her being a Ganger was up in rather mind boggling circumstances! An unexpected end to a very good two-part story. I'm looking for answers going into the mid-season finale, and I guess that's what I look for! 

Rating: 8/10


  1. The Doctor Ganger got me. A copy but very symylar to the Doctor such as sharing his virtues.
    Amy was a jerk to prejurdice Ganger Doctor. She got her commupance with seeing the Doctor trick her and her torture.
    Rory prove better. Choosing to be nicer to Gangers. And he show righteous anger with the Jennifer Ganger for her betrayal.

  2. I thought up Rose somehow knowing. And Sarah. And they reference it to Amy because she act as a Dalek by prejrudicing.
