Sunday 26 January 2014

The Dalek Invasion of Earth

"During all the years I've been taking care of you, you in return have been taking care of me. You are still my grandchild and always will be. But now, you're a women too. I want you to belong somewhere, to have roots of your own. With David you will be able to find those roots and live normally like any women should do. Believe me, my dear, your future lies with David and not with a silly old buffer like me. One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. Goodbye, Susan. Goodbye, my dear."

Writer: Terry Nation
Format: TV
Broadcast: 21st November - 26th December 1964
Season: 2.02

Featuring: First Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara


Arriving in a devastated London in the middle of the 22nd century, the Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan discover that the Daleks have invaded Earth. Will the human race be enslaved by the evil Daleks, or can the Doctor stop their audacious plans and save mankind from extermination...?


The Dalek Invasion of Earth is just sublime. Absolutely tremendous from start to finish. Terry Nation really pulls off a masterpiece which sees the much anticipated return of the Daleks and an emotional farewell to Susan. Throughout the serial it's clear that the Daleks have absolutely annihilated Earth. Silence reigns throughout London as the TARDIS crew arrive there, and to worsen things the TARDIS is in an unreachable position, trapped under a collapsed bridge. The cliffhanger at the end of episode one is just wonderful with the Dalek rising out of the Thames. Pure beauty. With many references to The Daleks, it's clear that what happened in that serial was some time in the Dalek's future and things were different now. They'd invaded Earth taking advantage of meteor strikes. The crew are soon split up and this allows the introduction of some outstanding guest cast. We have Jenny, Tyler and Dortmun who are all courageous and just great! Larry has an emotional story behind him. He stows aboard the Dalek saucer with Ian to get to the now completely devastated and mine-sight of Bedfordshire. And he finds him, but he's been transformed into a chilling Roboman. Larry's death was extremely emotional as he freed his brother of Dalek control but killed his brother - and himself - in doing so. The Robomen were eery throughout, heartless, callous and emotionless. The idea of authoritative ranks for the Daleks was brilliant and the Black Dalek, obviously the one in command, had a terrific design. All of the cliffhangers in this serial were outstanding in my view and really wanted me to make me watch the next episode right away - which is what I look for in a cliffhanger. The aim of the Daleks in the serial was just incredible and indescribable! The Daleks wanted to remove the molten core of Earth, replace it with power of their own so they could pilot the planet through space! An incredibly brave aim! And it certainly made the Daleks fearful - just to even conjure up a plan of that kind! However, the Daleks were thwarted largely by some good thinking from Barbara, orders from the Doctor and a lot of luck! David, who was fantastic throughout and developed a lovely relationship with Susan, put the Daleks out of action by breaking up radio waves and communication with some bombs! And Barbara and the Doctor gave the Daleks' henchman, the Robomen, new orders from within the Dalek saucer! The Robomen smashed the Daleks and all the slaves were freed and a revolution had occurred. Earth was safe, and the planet could now be rebuilt. After hints throughout the serial, Susan longed to belong to a time of her own and she got that wish, not by her own choice but by the Doctor himself. It was very hard for him to say goodbye and holding a broken shoe of Susan's, that seemed to be his farewell relic for his granddaughter. He double-locked the TARDIS doors and gave an incredible farewell speech to Susan. It was emotionally packed but now Susan had departed the TARDIS and would stay on Earth, 200 years in the future of the broadcast audience, with her new lover David. A frightening plan of the Daleks, brilliant plot, cliffhangers and resolutions and a beautiful farewell! This serial has always been an all time favourite of mine and it always will be!

Rating: 10/10

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