Thursday 2 January 2014

Dead Man Walking

"The time is 21:30. This is Dr. Martha Jones. Autopsy on Owen Harper, Caucasian, Age 27. Torchwood Officer 565. Time of death witnessed at approximately 20:30. Autopsy begins."

Writer: Matt Jones
Format: TV
Broadcast: 20th February 2008
Series: Torchwood 2.07

Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Ianto, Martha


"I'm bringing Owen back."

Owen has died but Jack is having none of it and returns him to life for a few minutes. But a few minutes becomes more and nobody could have guessed the consequences.


Yet another brilliant episode of Torchwood! Dead Man Walking was certainly a first in the Whoniverse. I was quite shocked after the climax of Reset with Owen being seemingly killed off, but that was not the case. As my shock enhanced when Jack went out and retrieved the other resurrection glove, the second of two in which the first had been obliterated in They keep Killing Suzie. Jack wanted to bring Owen back to life! And he did! At high consequences. I loved the reaction of Owen when he was brought back, and once time ran out... he was still somehow alive. Well, he was dead. But conscious somehow. But my oh my how Owen's life is now affected! He has all the characteristics of death. If injured, he won't heal. He can't eat, drink or sleep. He can't even get an erection! And for Owen that could prove calamitous. The plot of this episode itself was tremendous and I loved how death was actually the enemy. In the Whoniverse, death is personified! And Owen defeated him. The Weevils reactions to Jack taking the glove from them was brilliant and I liked how they were once again the enemies in a story. A shocking story with a very good plot, lots of twists and something that's going to have a major effect on Owen and future Torchwood episodes! Brilliant!

Rating: 10/10

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