Wednesday 18 December 2013

Marco Polo

"A caravan that flies! Do you imagine what this will mean to the Khan? It will make him the most powerful ruler the world has ever known; stronger than Hannibal, mightier than Alexander the Great!"

Writer: John Lucarotti
Format: TV
Broadcast: 22nd February - 4th April 1964
Season: 1.04

Featuring: First Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara


Arriving in Central Asia in 1289, the Doctor and his companions join the caravan of the famous Venetian explorer Marco Polo as it makes its way from the snowy heights of the Pamir Plateau, across the treacherous Gobi Desert and through the heart of imperial Cathay.

Having witnessed many incredible sights and survived a variety of dangers, they arrive at the mighty Kublai Khan's Summer Palace in Shang-tu, where the Doctor strikes up an extraordinary friendship with the now-aged ruler.

They move on at last to the even more sumptuous Imperial Palace in Peking, where the travellers save the Khan from an assassination attempt by the Mongol warlord Tegana - supposedly on a piece mission - before departing once more in the TARDIS...


Marco Polo is an instant classic and a real tragedy that it's entirely missing. John Lucarotti produced a masterful script that was perfectly paced. Seven parts was the perfect amount and with Marco Polo himself being the first historical figure, of many, to be in Doctor Who, he really is a great character! I loved how the story was told through the his journal which was very entertaining. The cliffhangers were all pretty much good and I particularly liked the one at the end of episode three. Tegana was a tremendous villain and his fears of the TARDIS crew were fantastic. I really liked the Doctor's anger at being controlled by what he considered a primitive and he was prevented from his freedom simply by the loss of his keys. And the way this angered him showed perfectly why William Hartnell is my favourite Classic Doctor at this moment (of course that is subject to change). He's just so angry and grumpy but that's what makes him so good. Ian and Barbara, as well as Susan who I'm reluctant to call a companion due to her relation to the Doctor, were excellent as companions in this serial. I also loved the character of Ping-Cho and Susan's reactions to her mentioning of a husband being arranged for her was just marvellous. Marriage is about love not family arrangements or image! The trek across the Gobi desert to get to Shang-tu to see Kublai Khan was venturous and the aim, for Marco to give Kublai Khan the TARDIS in return for allowing him to return to Venice was brilliant. A wonderful aspect of the story. I liked Acomat and the devious plan that was derived arrived him! The battle between Tegana and Marco in the concluding episode was magnificent but once Marco was victorious, Tegana killing himself was a shock. With Marco free to return to Venice, and the TARDIS returned to the Doctor, everything worked out and a tremendous story came to a close. Great pace, good storyline and just a shame that the entire serial is missing in its entity!

Rating: 9/10

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