"They were using children as compost bags."
Writer: James Goss
Format: Audio
Released: August 2020
Series: Torchwood Soho 1.05
Featuring: Folgate
Enter the world of 1950s Torchwood!
Gangsters are vanishing from the streets of Soho, there's a deadly Nazi secret on the loose, and something's moving in the smog. Norton Folgate should be sorting this out, but the Torchwood agent is in disgrace. Who's going to save London this time?
The Dead Hand was an excellent episode to continue my way through the Parasite first series of Torchwoof Soho! This was a slightly longer story and it certainly reaped the benefits as it was definitely the best of the bunch so far. It was almost having the feeling of Children of Earth when it came to explaining the use of children by Project Hermot in developing the parasite that is currently working its way through 1950s' Torchwood. I thought the cliffhanger finish to The Spread was very intriguing as Norton came to visit Lizbeth and it was confirmed here that she was the last remaining survivor as the parasite was doing its work. Learning about its origins was eery and just brilliant. I loved the political nature of the story and Lizbeth being drafted in to investigate when Rigsby didn't have the stomach for it was fantastic. She's a really strong character and I would love to explore more of her time as part of Torchwood before her untimely death at the end of the episode. Getting a full episode where she was basically the lead was magnificent and I thought she did a stellar job to be honest! A very likeable character and it's lovely to see how much pride she takes in her work and her abilities. The fact she is a woman in the 1950s makes her even more impressive and it was fun for Rigsby to proclaim the future would see Torchwood ruled by a woman. After all, if one woman could rule the British Empire and find Torchwood in the first place then that didn't seem wholly out of the realms of possibility. Lizbeth's meeting with Gerta in Berlin was so interesting and the way their conversation subtly shifted as it went on was terrific. Initially Gerta almost seemed like something of a victim in proclaiming how the Russians had taken most of their paperwork whilst the Americans had taken much of their stuff. Germany was a hostile and incredibly difficult place in the aftermath of the Second World War, but Lizebth didn't see the human side of things when she investigated further. Initially thinking that dogs had been used for the experimentation which was bad enough, she was disgusted when she found that it was actually children! The description of them as being compost bags was horrifying and I just couldn't be using anything else for my quote to take from the episode. It was a shocking description that really did have a profound impact on me. The format of the story in jumping around time and perspectives was good as it basically brought all of the loose threads together ahead of what I'm sure will be an explosive finale. I was surprised to hear an aftermath of the infection with Norton escaping thanks to Andy in Meet Mr Lyne, but the conversation between Rigsby and Lizbeth was enthralling. Rigsby was just delusional in thinking that he would survive and be saved. Hell, he even suggested he could be immune which was quite funny! Lizbeth didn't seem to be enjoying the conversation and was giving him the bare minimum as they waited for death. Who could really blame her? Norton's final conversation with her was quite sad as he really isn't the most sympathetic of characters and just hearing how Lizbeth now had the fungi growing out of her eyes meant she was unable to have clear vision. This was some death! Norton was all that was left of Torchwood now and that is quite a daunting prospect for him with all of London engulfed in fog and this Nazi killer parasite on the loose. It's set the finale up very well! Overall, a fantastic episode!
Rating: 9/10