Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Beneath the Waves Part 1
"Robots with an unhealthy appetite for conquering organic life forms."
Writer: George Mann
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 23rd November 2017
Printed in: DWC: Tales from the TARDIS 20
Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Hattie
The Doctor reunites with Hattie to investigate mysterious disappearances at a 1970s seaside town, where a new enemy awaits below the depths. With reports of mysterious figures entering the sea in the middle of the night, why are there suddenly beings coming out from beneath the waves?
Beneath the Waves started in tremendous fashion with this brilliant opening part! It really was a wonderful opening part and I really can't wait for the continuation of this story. Sadly it seems like it's going to take me quite some time to finish the story as Doctor Who Comic now appears to only be released every three months. That's quite a shame as the content is excellent and I thought we were getting somewhere close to catching up with the States. Whilst there is still an absolute abundance of material out there, reading this current run of stories every month was a treat but I will still continue to collect every three months. It's just going to require some strong memory and a lot of rereading! This story started off the third year of the Twelfth Doctor comic adventures in excellent style and the opening sequence beneath New Oceana was magnificent. We had glimpses of a Silurian, Sontaran, Judoon, Catkind and even a Zygon with a moustache! It was quite the array of species and the build up to revealing the emergence of the Quarks was magnificent! I was expecting that they would feature as the main antagonist of the story but that was not the case. I don't mind that at all and just to see the famed robots from The Dominators share the page with the Twelfth Doctor was marvellous. The Doctor quickly sent them back into dormancy and then he headed back to the Twist to be reunited with Hattie. I thought she was a great character in The Twist and I'm delighted to see her back alongside the Doctor here. She's a punk rocker and really does suit the Twelfth Doctor very well. She wanted to get away from the band and the media publicity she was receiving due to her success and I liked that the Doctor took her for some northern chips in 1979. Not quite what she was expecting but the story soon developed into something brilliant. There was mystery and intrigue and that's always a positive. The Doctor quickly noticed the newspaper report of mysterious figures entering the sea but just as he was there and wanting to catch a glimpse of just what was going on, mysterious figures were coming out of the sea. A very nice little twist and not what I was expecting so early on in the adventure. The Doctor going off on his own was very typical of just about every incarnation he's ever been and I liked how he jokingly warned Hattie of the two old dears who were up to no good. Hattie having bad dreams looked very good and I must say that the artwork was absolutely sublime for this story. I've noted in past DWC adventures concerning the Twelfth Doctor that the artwork is of a stellar quality and I just continue to be impressed by it. Long may it continue. The ending was built up to very nicely and with hints and glimpses of the mysterious sea creature given, the full reveal on the final page was a great cliffhanger. Quite what this new monster exactly is won't be answered until February but it looks something like a sea-version of the Yeti! I doubt that will turn out to be the case but the resembling appearance is very good. I like the look of them and I thought this opening part was outstanding. A fantastic way to start the story!
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Aliens Among Us: The Empty Hand
"What use are rules when they only apply to humans?"
Writer: Tim Foley
Format: Audio
Released: 19th October 2017
Series: Torchwood 5.08
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Tyler, Mr Colchester, Orr, Andy
An innocent refugee has been shot point-blank on the streets of Cardiff. It causes an upsurge in terrorist attacks.
An innocent refugee has been shot point-blank on the streets of Cardiff by a policeman. It's a catalyst for protests on the streets.
An innocent refugee has been shot point-blank on the streets of Cardiff by Sergeant Andy Davidson. It's the end of Torchwood as we know it.
The Empty Hand concluded the second boxset of Aliens Among Us in an excellent way! I thought it was a brilliant story and a great follow up to the outstanding Zero Hour. This second boxset of three in the fifth series of Torchwood has certainly taken us on a different adventure to the first but there are now signs of things being tied up and fitting as a whole. Here we had the return of 3Sol and the idea of them taking over from Cardiff's police force is very intriguing and I'm sure that will play a big role in the final boxset of the series. Ro-Jedda hasn't played too much of a role this time around but she's still looming and she just seems to be biding her time. I wonder how long her patience will last, I sense not too long. I get the feeling that the next boxset will be much more action-packed and I look forward to that but for now this story was all about mystery. Could Andy really have killed a refugee in cold blood? It seemed unlikely but the evidence was telling.He did it and Torchwood had checked that there was nothing wrong with him and the CCTV had not been tampered with. He had done it. That was a shocking fact. The reason why he had done it was revealed in a good way with the quantum splice and Orr's attempted explanation of what it actually entailed was really good. It was there and it wasn't always there. I liked that. Jack continued to be absent for much of this episode which again surprised me and it seems like the rest of the Torchwood team had had enough now and wanted some leadership.Why he was giving away information about Andy seemed a little off for our resonant immortal hero but it certainly had me engaged in the story and that's a big positive. Instead of calling for a peaceful protest, Jack was arming them! He was creating quite the event in Cardiff and I rather enjoyed it.I thought the desires of Andy as demonstrated by Orr were quite out there and not what you'd expect of our innocent little policeman. The relationship between Andy and Rhys during the episode was terrific and any doubts I had about Rhys are now firmly over. Andy taking offence to a Chinese takeaway man was quite a shock though! The reveal that Professor Whyte was how Andy had been implanted with the quantum splice was good and the fact that Ro-Jedda wasn't the one who killed her was very interesting indeed. Is there another alien species at work in Cardiff that isn't the Sorvix? Gwen, despite not actually being Gwen, was brilliant in this story and she was having none of what the alien mayor was saying. She stabbed Andy's hand in gruesome fashion to save him from anymore racial outbursts and I also liked that Rhys had noticed Gwen had not been herself recently. We of course know why but I'm looking forward to everyone else finding out. Andy and Nicki Owen's relationship was very good and I liked their scenes in the episode very much. Ro-Jedda and Tyler's relationship also seems to be one of particular interest and the latter really is in a great position with both the Sorvix and Torchwood. Jack ultimately saving the city was good but the rest of the team weren't too thrilled with his actions and latest absence. It seemed like there was a potential coup but all Gwen, Mr Colchester and Orr wanted was some leadership. And they might have it in the form of a recognisable face. Yvonne Hartman returned at the story's conclusion and I have so many questions about that! How can she still be alive? I can't wait for the third boxset to explain everything and I am very excited by the prospects that her return brings. Overall though, a great conclusion to this third of the series!
Rating: 9/10
Monday, 27 November 2017
Aliens Among Us: Zero Hour
"That app runs your life."
Writer: Janine H Jones
Format: Audio
Released: 19th October 2017
Series: Torchwood 5.07
Featuring: Gwen, Tyler, Mr Colchester, Orr
Welcome to Deliverables. Thanks to us, Cardiff is enjoying an economic miracle. We have created thousands of jobs. We have wiped out homelessness.
More importantly, there are so many benefits to you. Deliverables will deliver your post, your packages, your meals. We are Deliverables, and we never stop.
Deliverables - we always know where to find you. Deliverables - put your life in our hands.
Aliens Among Us continued in sublime fashion with Zero Hour. It really was outstanding and is definitely the best episode of the brand new fifth series of Torchwood thus far. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish and I find it quite surprising that the story that is easily the best yet did not feature Captain Jack. He was off out in a chemical factory in Neath which is a line I found quite humorous as that is the town I am from and unless there's some secret and hidden place in the town, I don't know of any chemical factories. It was nice to hear my hometown get a mention and the prospect of finding Captain Jack out and about when I go home from university is quite amusing but his absence wasn't felt at all. Instead, Tyler took centre stage and did a stellar job. He had a crush on Hasan and was quite taken aback by not being able to get what he wanted. He tried to convince Gwen there was more than him just wanting to get laid but he really didn't handle rejection well at all. After some pursuing he finally got talking to Hasan and found that things in Cardiff had gotten into quite a repetitive pattern. I thought there was going to be a timey-wimey element with how the audio started and the replaying of the first credit following a pause in the opening credits but what we actually got suited Torchwood a whole lot better. Following the meddling in the Rift by Bilis in the previous episode, Torchwood was struggling to keep ahold of what it was doing and the Rift Manipulator wasn't performing too greatly. Something was interfering and the result of that turned out to be superb. I thought the whole concept of Deliverables was excellent and I liked how it was met with mystery right from the offset with the voice we heard instructing Hasan. Everything was the same. Cardiff was in a state of repeat frenzy and when Orr showed Mr Colchester through the act of tossing a coin, a smile came onto my face. I really loved the concept. The pattern being developed to get a grip on the Rift was really intriguing and I also thought Ro-Jedda's comments about the usefulness of Tyler were interesting. She values him but she didn't seem to care too much that he had joined Deliverables and would most likely end up as ash inside a box. The revelation that the sand that was being packaged was actually human ash was quite disturbing and the way the pattern had taken over Tyler's sanity was also very good. It was working and with unemployment in the city solved, Deliverables needed a way to get around the zero hour contract laws. And that was death. Sick pay and other working rights would interfere with the pattern that was gaining control of the Rift so they simply eradicated them once those variables would come into play. Gwen spending some time with Anwen was good but I get the feeling that the reason the latter isn't quite acting herself is because she knows something is up with her mother. It's not Gwen and I continue to anticipate the revelation regarding that aspect of the story arc. I'm now not so convinced that Rhys is in the same boat but my ears are now confusing me so I await developments there. The way that Gwen defeated the Deliverables pattern was terrific and I really did think it was a brilliant resolution. I liked how impressed Mr Colchester was by it. Gwen avoiding Jack because of the events of Love Rat was good and overall I thought this was an incredible episode! The best of the series so far.
Rating: 10/10
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Aliens Among Us: A Kill to a View
"I'm the caretaker. Bilis Manger, at your service..."
Writer: Mac Rogers
Format: Audio
Released: 19th October 2017
Series: Torchwood 5.06
Featuring: Captain Jack, Tyler, Mr Colchester, Orr
Ritz Towers is a luxury block so exclusive not even aliens can get a place there. Mr Colchester has somehow secured a flat at the Ritz. With the streets increasingly troubled, his husband feels safe there. The problem is that Ritz Towers is anything but safe.
For a start, the building has more tenants than it has flats. Then there are the endless dinner parties. The whole new definition of upwardly mobile. And finally, there is the very mysterious caretaker.
A Kill to a View continued the Aliens Among Us fifth series of Torchwood in a great way! It was a very interesting episode and whilst I very much enjoyed it, I can't help but think that there is more to come. And that feeling is not merely exclusive to just this episode but actually to the overall series thus far. I have a little troubling understanding how Torchwood can be so happy with the Sorvix occupying much of Cardiff and Ro-Jedda being Mayor but I feel like they're biding their time to strike and the time for immediate action will soon come. We're at the halfway stage of the fifth series now and I must say I've been impressed and delighted that Torchwood is back. This episode was very interesting and the obvious talking point would be the return of Bilis Manger! He was such a wonderful character in the first series finale and to hear him return now was brilliant. He made such an impact in just two episodes and his enigmatic feeling and portrayal makes him a very memorable character. I hope we haven't heard the last of him in this series. I'd like to think we haven't. Jack's deducing that Bilis was back was terrific and the references and linkages to Captain Jack Harkness/End of Days was superb. He was very worried, so much so that he abandoned heading to a Sorvix hostage situation to deal with the old man. Orr didn't feature too much in this episode but where she did she just seemed to be problematic in that she wasn't dealing well with Ritz Towers. There was something more to the building and her anatomy wanted to please it but just didn't know how. In this episode we finally got to meet Colin - the often mentioned husband of Mr Colchester - and he really did star. The relationship between the pair was good and I liked how they dealt with always getting invited to dinner parties. I was quite surprised with how important that aspect of the episode would come to be. Sandra and Andria, another gay couple living opposite the Colchesters, seemed good characters and although the revelation that they were actually teamed up with Bilis was not that much of a surprise, I still very much enjoyed it. The action-packed conclusion though was a surprise and the pair seemed to meet their demise at the hands of Mr Colchester. He was the star of this episode and with him now a familiar part of the Torchwood team, it was good to see him challenged. He had to face the death of his husband and the heartbreak of him dying in the place that was meant to keep him safe and away from the hatred of Cardiff really hit home. The lesbian couple's desire and obsession with obtaining the view from the rooms was perhaps taken a little too far but the central premise of their collaboration with Bilis was very good. The absence of Gwen was quite a surprise and the cameo of Rhys had me questioning my ears again. That was not Kai Owen talking (I think!) and that leads me to think that he too has become an imposter. How that will shape the future of this series is yet to be seen but I look forward to seeing it play out. Bilis opening the Rift and leaving things to the Sorvix was an interesting way to end but I like the ambiguity surrounding him and it leaves things open nicely for a return. I hope he isn't done with this series. Tyler is continuously proving useful and problematic to Torchwood and I am very much liking his position. Overall, another very good episode in the series!
Rating: 8/10
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Aliens Among Us: Love Rat
"We've either got a zombie on our hands or something mean enough to carry one off."
Writer: Christopher Cooper
Format: Audio
Released: 19th October 2017
Series: Torchwood 5.05
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Tyler, Mr Colchester, Orr, Andy
Captain Jack Harkness is dead, and that's the simplest thing that's happened to him in the last few days. Even the manner of his death is surprisingly complex, especially when it turns out that he hasn't come back alone.
While Torchwood try and cope with a new mayor and a terrorist cell, they also have to deal with what, at first, looks to be a plague, and then turns out to be something far, far worse.
Aliens Among Us continued in excellent fashion with Love Rat. It was a brilliant way to kick off the second boxset of the official fifth series of Torchwood and the story arc swung straight back into gear. It kicked off where Superiority Complex left off and I thought the opening sequence was actually quite shocking and disturbing. Captain Jack was literally, as Gwen delicately put it, shagged to death and that set the tone for the episode ahead. One thing was very clear, despite being a part of the Doctor Who universe, this is a very different show and really isn't aimed at the younger audience. I thought the premise of the story was very good and shared obvious similarities with Day One and I like how Torchwood has the ability to explore sex in a much wider and more detailed way than Doctor Who ever can. It's a huge part of society and seeing how quickly an infection can spread was really intriguing. Sex featured a lot here and Captain Jack was thirsty for it during the entire episode and had two rather shocking acts of intercourse during the story. First, he had seduced Tyler to have sex in a mortuary which I think is pretty grim. But the most shocking aspect of the episode for me was that Jack and Gwen got it on too! Now, this isn't the Gwen as we know her as the mystery surrounding her is still very much hidden but the real Gwen is locked inside somewhere, witnessing everything that the imposter is doing. It's not clear if she looks the same as Gwen but even so, everyone sees her as Gwen and for Jack to have sex with her is a huge deal! I was rather surprised I must say but I like the possibility it provides for story development. Some of the sexual innuendos in this episode were quite cringey and comical but that wasn't a bad thing at all. It fitted in well with the narrative and that's a big bonus. I really liked Mr Colchester in this story and his dealing with the trouble surrounding Orr's fluxing between forms was terrific. He calmly and quickly worked out what was causing it and fixed the problem. She seems to be a good addition to the Torchwood team and I like how she just brings another dynamic to the series by being an alien. Andy getting a big role in this episode was great because he's such a likeable character but often out of his depth when it comes to matters that Torchwood deal with. He brings them to the attention of Gwen but he can rarely help out any further. Tyler's relationship with both Torchwood and Ro-Jedda was very interesting and he's in a very intriguing position for the series. He's almost the point of contact between the head of the Sorvix and the people trying to stop them taking over Cardiff. His failure to tell either side the whole story of what his situation entails is really good and he's a rather sneaky character which I'm enjoying. The spread of the sex parasite was good and I liked how Duncan came full circle from murdering Jack at the start of the episode to help stop the spreading. Gwen had found him very cleverly through a dating app and once the Sorvix provided the cure, everything was tied up rather neatly. Gwen returning home to Rhys after being distancing following her impostering was good and I liked the emotion that was portrayed there. Everything is in a very nice place and I'm looking forward to seeing how this third of the series continues. But for now, an excellent beginning to the boxset and a great continuation of the series!
Rating: 9/10
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Something Inside

"We're always escaping from inescapable things."
Writer: Trevor Baxendale
Format: Audio
Released: June 2006
Series: Main Range 83
Featuring: Eighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Something Inside was an excellent audio adventure and continues the recent (in terms of the position that I have been listening) high quality of the Main Range of Big Finish audios. It was wonderful to be listening to a feature-length story again and it really has felt quite some time since I was last able to do so. Being reunited with the Eighth Doctor, Charley and C'rizz excited me before I even began listening and I love the unknown surrounding this trio as at the time of release, it was the newest form of Doctor Who and just about anything can happen. Although I never believed that C'rizz was truly dead, there was nothing that could have prevented it from happening and I think that is a very exciting prospect. With companions before Ace, we know how they arrived and departed the TARDIS so they can't really die anywhere in Big Finish but these characters are new and anything can happen. I thought the story was brilliant and the telepathic theme was terrific. It really worked well and I liked how its weaknesses were explored. Charley getting frustrated at constantly having her thoughts read was entertaining and I also liked her determination and refusal to believe that the Doctor and C'rizz had been killed by the Brain-Worm. That threat was a good one for the story and when it appeared to be ruthless during the early stages, it actually turned out to be rather emotional. The Brain-Worm wanted to escape the prison that was the Cube and that was met with some sympathy but its dangerousness was clearly visible and that needed to be stopped. The Doctor having to deal with memory loss was good and I liked how he even when he didn't know who C'rizz was, he would risk himself to ensure that an apparent stranger was not met with harm. That came a little too late though as our Utermisan was met with torture and was quite badly hurt, on the brink of death. That's where the Doctor needed the help of Tessa to heal him but that would be met with obstacles. It turned out the Brain-Worm was supplanted inside her head and with the Doctor needing to join his mind to hers, it provided an avenue of transference for our mutated telepathic being. I thought Paul McGann was excellent throughout this audio and I really am loving the Eighth Doctor on audio. I'm very excited by just how much more of his stuff I have to catch up on. Charley was fantastic as per usual and I continue to be intrigued by C'rizz. There definitely appears to be more than meets the eye and his concern over whether his thoughts had been read was of particular interest to me. Just what is he hiding? Latch was a very good character and his sacrifice at the story's conclusion was admirable. The Brain-Worm was inside his head so he decided to remain in the Cube alone where it could not escape and would ultimately die when he did. Charley was quite appalled by that but was grateful for survival. The moment of the audio for me came when the Doctor recalled the infamous 2005 European Cup final when Liverpool came from 3-0 down at half-time to win the trophy for a fifth time. The idea of the Doctor being there and possibly supporting the same team as me is very exciting and that recollection and how he used to inspire his companions not to give up put a huge smile on my face I must say. I don't think there are many fans of both Doctor Who and football out there but I am a huge one of both and that moment was really special for me. Overall, a terrific story!
Rating: 9/10
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
The Phantom Piper Part 1

"Far outside the realms we know, through the spirals of eternity, a box is spinning..."
Writer: Scott Gray
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 16th November 2017
Printed in: DWM 519
Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Bill
The Doctor has promised Bill a visit to meet Alan Turing - famed decoder of Nazi messages during World War Two. However, he didn't say when and Bill is perplexed to arrive on the futuristic Athenia. Chiyoko is present and she senses the return of her Mother, but she won't be happy with what she discovers...
The Phantom Piper kicked off in excellent style with this superb opening part of the story! It really was a fantastic way to start a new comic strip but I will get to it in a little while. First, I have the prominent matter of the new issue of Doctor Who Magazine to discuss and I must say it looks set to be a great one! David Bradley dominates the cover bringing the First Doctor back to life and I think it's quite fitting that I will begin reading the issue following the broadcast of the clip for Twice Upon a Time as part of Children in Need. That clip was a wonderful little snippet into the episode and I really can't wait to see a brand new adventure with the First Doctor. It looks set to be a belter! That is also the case for this issue of DWM with David Bradley's interview being the main feature. I can't wait to read his thoughts on portraying the iconic William Hartnell and how he found actually being the Doctor. It's going to be brilliant. The interview with Jared Garfield and Lily Travers is something I am also very excited for because not only is the First Doctor coming back this Christmas, but so are Polly and Ben! Polly is one of my all time favourite companions so for her to be returning, even if it isn't Anneke Wills, is very exciting indeed. I'm intrigued to see how big of a part they will play in the episode but any screen time they get will be a big bonus. I'm also looking forward to the interview with Derek Jacobi and after seeing him on the big screen in Murder on the Orient Express, I can't wait to read what he has to say about playing the War Master in the upcoming audio releases. The 54 First Dates feature looks interesting but the Annual Reports is something I am extremely intrigued by. I cannot wait to read it and after delving into a few of the Classic era Annuals, this feature and preview of the upcoming audio collection looks right up my alley. It looks marvellous I must say. The Blogs of Doom also looks barmy and I am intrigued to see if that will replace Watcha. Anyway, back to the comic strip at hand and it was a delightful opening part. It continued on from Matildus in a very good way and I liked the relationship between the Doctor and Bill. He never quite tells her the full story and I love that. Their arrival on Athenia was intriguing and the return of Chiyoko was something I did not expect to see! The reference to The Child of Time was terrific but her return was unexpected and that's something I love. The Doctor's account of that story was superb and Chiyoko's meeting with Bill was quite humorous. She wanted to be reunited with her Mother, which was of course the TARDIS, and Bill didn't really have any control on where she was being taken. She was seeing just how powerful Chiyoko was and I'm very much looking forward to seeing the Doctor reunited with her, and how she reacts to him having a different body. The whole religious cult surrounding Alan Turing is very interesting and something I think only the comic strip can get away with. However, I am sold and the idea of the flesh and the form and the fact being one is brilliant. I am anticipating that development very much. The cliffhanger was good and Chiyoko was so disturbed by the carving in the TARDIS because it appeared that our resident blue box was in torment. She was screaming and that does seem pretty serious. I expect the Doctor will not be happy once he finds out. Overall though, a fantastic start to the comic strip!
Sunday, 5 November 2017
"I have few colleagues... fewer friends... and no family."
Writer: Scott Gray
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 19th October 2017
Printed in: DWM 518
Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Bill
Following a mysterious symbol being engraved in the side of the TARDIS, the Doctor and Bill head to Cornucopia to try and decipher its meaning. There, they encounter Matildus who isn't dealing greatly with old age. Before anything can be found about the carving, the Doctor discovers that someone sinister is up to no good in the library and needs to be stopped....
Matildus was a very good little comic strip adventure! Hurrah! I'm finally doing another blog and whilst it's only been a little more than a week since I did an entry it seems like forever. Things are still super busy with my personal life and university taking up nearly all of my time but here's hoping that can change a little bit in the next couple of months. Sadly, I'm not too confident on that. Anyway, as per usual with the DWM comic strips, I like to take a look at the magazine itself and I have actually read a decent amount of this one prior to blogging. I loved the attention this issue gave to the upcoming release of the Tenth Doctor Adventures - Volume 2 audios as we had some superb interviews with David Tennant, Billie Piper and Camille Coduri. All three love the show and they love working together which I am sure will be reflected when it comes to the trilogy of stories which will be released later this month. I am sure that come Christmas time, whether it's as a gift or by spending some Christmas money, I will acquire the boxset and it will be one I am eager to listen to. I thought the format of the interviews in the issue was very good. They separated the thoughts of each actor whilst making it all feel like one big giant interview for the new audios as a whole. I really can't wait for them. Also in this issue, I read the Time Team for the second consecutive issue which is actually a rarity and reading other people's thoughts on an episode as they watch it really is quite intriguing. This month's highlight centred on The Almost People and I do think that it's a very underrated episode. Galaxy Forum was very good this month and it reminded me of the closure of the Doctor Who Experience which I think is a great shame. I haven't been since the days of the Tenth Doctor but I enjoyed a lot of time there during my childhood and I would love for it to be rehoused somewhere in the near future. I need to catch up on the UNIT audios from Big Finish but the latest release of Encounters is very exciting for me with both a Dalek and Sontaran story! What more could you want? The continuation of the Sylvester McCoy interview is something I am very much anticipating but I also thought that the brief dialogue of the actors who play the Seventh Doctor, Mel, Rose and the Tenth Doctor was wonderful and with them both recording at the same time, the thoughts of a multi-Doctor audio couldn't help but appear in my head. That really would be delightful. I am continuing to enjoy the new editor's take on the magazine and Marcus has made some really brilliantly subtle changes to the magazine that is giving it a slightly different feel which I am a fan of. Now, to the comic strip itself and I thought that it was a good follow up to The Parliament of Fear's conclusion with the TARDIS being engraved with some kind of symbol. The return to Cornucopia was an unexpected treat and Matildus ended up being a fantastic little character. She was curator of the library but she was getting old and sick. The truth about Sashana was a big shock which I liked. Both the Doctor and particularly Bill's characterisation was excellent with the likenesses of Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie being captured beautifully. The tease at the end for the next comic strip was a nice touch and it won't be long at all now (hopefully) before I read that one. Overall, a very good comic strip story!
Rating: 8/10
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