Wednesday 19 July 2023

The Time Meddler

"He's only one monk - what possible harm can he do?"

Writer: Nigel Robinson
Format: Target
Released: March 1988
Series: Target 126

Featuring: First Doctor, Vicki, Steven


"How do you think it would affect galactic history? Think if the tyrants of the Middle Ages; imagine them roaming the universe!"

The TARDIS materialises on a deserted Northumbrian beach. The Doctor says that he and his two companions have arrived in the eleventh century – but Steven finds a modern wristwatch in the nearby forest. 

However, the year is AD 1066 and the Doctor's arrival has been noticed by a mysterious monk who recognises the TARDIS as a time machine and its owner as a threat to his carefully laid plans.


The Time Meddler was an excellent novelisation of the televised serial of the same name! Whilst I don’t quite give this book or its TV counterpart a perfect rating, this story is right up there with one of my favourites. It’s such an important adventure too as we see the Doctor actively trying to stop interference with history. We meet another of his species and the cliffhanger where the Monk also has a TARDIS must have been extraordinary on broadcast! It had such a profound impact even on me when I first watched it as I wasn’t aware of other Time Lords encountering the Doctor prior to the Master. Knowing what I do now, the moment is still as wonderful and was what I was waiting for throughout the book. It’s also easy to forget that this is Steven’s first full adventure as companion which was a lot of fun with how sceptical he was about the TARDIS and its ability to travel in time. That was the perfect attitude for a story where time meddling was occurring and provided some strong humour. I loved how the novelisation went beyond the television story, particularly at the start and conclusion of the book. Depicting Steven’s escape to the TARDIS at the end of The Chase was magnificent but perhaps even more so was the epilogue with the Monk still trying a number of methods to alter the course of history and not have William the Conquerer the victor in the Battle of Hastings. That was tremendous fun and actually quite a treat. Before we got there though, we had a brilliant story! The idea of a meddler in time for the First Doctor era is excellent and it was done so well. The meddling Monk is obviously a historic character and his introduction is just glorious. I love the presentation as a bit of a baboon which gives him a glorious childlike quality. The Doctor being about fifty years earlier than him as far as their home planet is concerned is great because that gives him a good sense of maturity. Having the Monk using the gramophone to provide the noise of the other monks at the monastery was hilarious, but not as much as him using a toaster and non-stick frying pan to make the Doctor breakfast when he had him as a prisoner! Quite the treatment. I’m surprised the Doctor did throw it back at his face, but he wouldn’t be woken until he was good and ready. The characterisation of the First Doctor throughout was impressive and it was a little sad to see him pondering over Ian and Barbara after their departure. The comfort of Vicki was lovely to read too as he still missed his granddaughter Susan. The potential of the Monk’s TARDIS being around was good and the meddler mocking the Doctor for not having an operational chameleon circuit was fantastic. The Doctor also seemed envious of its ability to drift in space and actually have direction. Steven’s comment about the chameleon circuit and using their exact situation on the beach as an example was a bit harsh and made me feel sorry for the Doctor with his pride in the TARDIS, but I certainly understood where he was coming from. I thought Edith and Wulnoth were strong characters and their positions as locals in both geography and history was terrific. The looming threat of the Viking invasion was brilliant and the Monk posing as his profession to try and get those devoted to his religion to light the way for the conquering was tremendous. It’s such fun that seemingly a guide and scheme here has seen the name of the Monk stick. It’s great fun. The Doctor giving the Monk a note and removing his dimensional circuit from the TARDIS is such a fun end, leaving him stranded in 1066! Overall, a magnificent read!

Rating: 9/10

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