Tuesday 28 February 2023

Time War: Deception

"We've got a plan which could end the War."

Writer: Lisa McMullin
Format: Audio
Released: February 2021
Series: Gallifrey 12.01

Featuring: Leela, Narvin


As the resistance scatters, Leela and an unknown ally embark on rescue. But there are traps for the unwary inside the Vortex.

Meanwhile on Gallifrey, Livia and Mantus are at odds, seeking to protect themselves as Rassilon's grip tightens.


Deception was an excellent episode to kick off the fourth instalment of Time War for Gallifrey’s twelfth series! It’s staggering that we’ve got this many series now from the Doctor’s home planet and it really shows no signs of letting up which is hugely exciting. The series just keeps on reinventing itself and it seems a period in the Time War is to come to an end. I liked how we picked up immediately where the previous series ended with Narvin and Leela departing from Unity and leaving Romana at the hands of the Daleks! I must admit I wasn’t thrilled that Rayo was sticking around but I admired that he wanted to fight, though he didn’t quite grasp the scale of the Time War. Narvin wanted to take him to Nisteria and Resistance HQ which seemed a logical place with them being neutral. The introduction to the deception field was brilliant and I liked how it looked like hell and was full of mystery. It swallowing Andreas showed the threat it possessed and I liked the enigmatic nature of the Never Man convincing to take off the harness that could pull one out of the field. Narvin’s secrecy was clear to hear when arriving on Nisteria and Eris and Yakob were introduced with Narvin searching for the former. They were strong characters and anyone who wanted to pollute the Time Vortex kind of needed to be! The breach in the Resistance’s temporal shield sparked an evacuation and I really enjoyed the pace and desperation that came from that. It felt very real. Leela ending up with Eris in a TARDIS was fun and I liked that he was a former member of the Celestial Intervention Agency before it was disbanded. His knowing of Leela as Romana’s bodyguard was fun and I loved the savage’s reaction to being called weak. She demonstrated that she was very much not! The deception field being a means of psychological warfare was fantastic and I liked how this showed the extent to which Time War weaponry had now gone. Mantus and Livia were terrific and I liked that rumours of Romana being exterminated had reached the former, but not even Rassilon knew yet. The warning from the Lord President about being for him or against him was ominous and I loved the fear factor that provided in this almost mythical figure. He talked about solidarity, unity and allegiance which was tremendous. Livia feeling provoked as the Prime Minister was fun politics but Mantus warned her that she needed to stay on side. Leela going into the deception field to find Filius and Castine was really good and I enjoyed the distortion that accompanied the field from within. The voice of the Never Man was excellent and I loved the emotional turmoil of Leela seeing the children that were unborn fighting a war in a superb homage to Mother Tongue. Leela being horrified by the long term destruction and mental torment of the deception field was sublime and I was a big fan of her believing that weaponry should be used for an instant advantage. She did reach the agents though after an almighty struggle! Rassilon talking of ascension to the apex was good stuff and perhaps a foreshadowing of information we learned in The End of Time regarding the plan of the Time Lords towards the end of the Time War. He claimed to be triumphant against the resistance in crushing it which was a fine proclamation, if not entirely true. Castine being saved but Filius not was a strong moment as the deception field claimed another victim. Yakob being in league with Gallifrey put to bed any claims of the Resistance being neutral and his name dropping of Livia being part of it was a surprise! Mantus was shocked too as it wasn’t true and it was he who was responsible for the breach. He knew Yakob couldn’t be trusted anymore so he sent the TARDIS he was in right into a deception field! A callous fate. Mantus is a fine villain. Eris telling Narvin of their plan to end the War by blowing up the toxins in the Untempered Schism was great and I liked how this meant they would have to get to Gallifrey. A tasty reunion should be on the cards then as we move forward this series. Overall, a brilliant opener to the series!  

Rating: 9/10

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