Monday 27 June 2022


"Gallifrey shall fall to the might of the Daleks!"

Writer: Scott Handcock
Format: Audio
Released: October 2013
Series: Gallifrey 6.01

Featuring: Romana II, Leela, Narvin


Gallifrey fights...

Having infiltrated the Axis, the Daleks have secured access to a myriad alternative realities and, with them, countless Gallifreys... every one with secrets to be plundered. 

As her new world falls to the might of the Dalek invasion force, Romana finds herself struggling to keep her friends alive as the Capitol collapses around her.

Against all odds, there may be a way out – back to the Axis and, potentially, back home. But desperate times call for desperate measures and, ultimately, sacrifices...


Extermination was a very strong start to the sixth series of Gallifrey! I was really excited by this one given the cliffhanger at the end of Arbitration and the arrival of the Daleks to the Gallifrey spinoff, and having them in the design familiar to the modern era of Doctor Who is brilliant. The implication that these events are shortly prior to the Time War is fantastic and I really like to think that this could be something along the lines of a precursor to those terrible events. Now, the end of this episode had the feeling that the Daleks would only be featuring in this opener which I hope isn't the case but if it is the case then their intentions here were very powerful. The idea of the Daleks not being content with just conquering one universe was fascinating and the potential of them conquering the multiverse was magnificent and I do hope that mission isn't finished here. There's so much potential there. I enjoyed the way the episode opened with the little monologues from each of Romana, Leela and Narvin about their experience and thoughts with the Daleks, which might suggest that there is an end in sight for them from the Axis after they seem to have finally got back home to their Gallifrey. Romana had an emotional episode here as she was clearly homesick no and just wanted to get back and see her own sky. Her speech regarding the Daleks was outstanding as well and really was a shining moment for Lalla Ward. I thought it was so impressive and really sold the threat of the Daleks and how sickened she was by their presence. The references to The Apocalypse Element were wonderful and I really liked playing on the idea of Romana being Dalek property. That was far from the case now. Leela recounting her own Dalek experience from Energy of the Daleks was lovely continuation, whereas this was Narvin's first experience and hearing him compare the records to the real article was great stuff. The continuity from the more recent Gallifrey series was good and I love the idea of being on an alternate Gallifrey where technology is not advanced much at all. There's a vulnerability there, but Romana still cared about this version as was clear by the fact she faked her death in the Dalek battle and closed the portal behind her in the hope that her ministers would get that version on the right track and perform in her image of politics. That was a nice touch and the recorded message was an excellent way to go about it. I thought it was fun to use the weakness of the Dalek eyestalk against them and Leela goading the Supreme Controller was a fitting end. Slyne was another good character here and it was nice to have a Welsh accent on this version of Gallifrey! Leela showing that she was really missing K9 was nice as well and I do hope we get to hear him return in the series at some point. Reinforcing the vulnerability of Narvin and his lack of regenerations was good and makes me think that he may not make it past the end of this series. There's an added threat there which isn't always present with Time Lords. However, following the return through the Axis that sets things up nicely for the return to Gallifrey and tackling the dogma virus once and for all. Overall, a terrific audio to kick off the series! 

Rating: 9/10

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