Friday 13 May 2022

Doctor of War: Genesis: The Difference Office

"There is no escape from myself."

Writer: James Kettle
Format: Audio
Released: April 2022
Series: Unbound 9.03

Featuring: Warrior, Romana


The Warrior is President of the Time Lords... and suffering from visions. Is he the right man to combat an invasion? Because there's someone out there in the wilderness of Gallifrey. Someone with the Warrior's face. And he's heading for the Capitol.


The Difference Office was a strong story to conclude the Genesis first series of Doctor of War! I've really enjoyed this ninth series of the Unbound spinoff and the movement and setting up of this timeline and world finished strongly here positioning the Warrior as the Lord President of Gallifrey during the Time War. I thought it was a little ironic that this was the story that the Daleks didn't feature in, but they weren't missed in the slightest and it was wonderful to explore a Gallifrey with this incarnation of the man previously known as the Doctor in charge. Colin Baker delivered a dark and calm performance in the lead role and it was fascinating to get alternate versions of Romana and Borusa. I thought both were really strong and it was just intriguing to hear them alongside the Warrior. The voice of the Sixth Doctor so calmly commanding that a whole star system was to be burned was very powerful and just so not what we are used to hearing. It showed how much of a toll the Time War had and it was obviously going to be a very different conflict with the Warrior at the helm of Gallifrey. Except, his presidency was being challenged and it came in the form of an unlikely villain! Having Styggron trying to infiltrate Gallifrey and take over the presidency himself is quite incredible really as that seems very audacious for a Kraal! The links and similarities here with The Android Invasion were actually really strong and it was pleasant to hark back to a somewhat less memorable Classic serial. I can't believe I was fooled by the Doctor that was rounding up the Shoboguns being an android as that was ever so obvious once it was revealed! I really liked the idea behind the Difference Office and its role in seeking out and dealing with paradoxes. The commonality of Time Lords going back into their own time stream to try and kill their past self was extraordinary and hearing Narvin on trial for that was incredible. The Time War really must have gone to some horrific places to send people to that level of desperation. I couldn't quite fathom that. The Difference Office detecting no paradox when it came to the imposter president was further proof that of course this Doctor was an android! I liked exploring the politics of Gallifrey and the differing positions of Lords and Shobogans, and the Warrior dealt with it in his stride which I loved. I thought Zorcha was a strong character to compliment the Gallifreyan contingent in this adventure and her death was such a shock. Styggron had no remorse and it also had a profound impact on Borusa, so much so that he didn't even want to hear his name after the Warrior supposedly went to kill the Kraal. I liked the ambiguity and understanding of the conclusion with the Warrior and Styggron reaching an agreement, and the potential moving forward into the next boxset with a leftover Kraal strategy and Time Lords potentially being androids was excellent. Romana revealing herself as one was a nice touch as well in using the Kraal technology against Styggron. Overall, a strong conclusion to a really great series! 

Rating: 8/10

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