Monday 6 September 2021

Night's Black Agents

"It's a warrior's life that's been forced on me."

Writer: Marty Ross
Format: Audio
Released: May 2010
Series: Companion Chronicles 4.11

Featuring: Sixth Doctor, Jamie


Jamie McCrimmon and his new friend the Sixth Doctor are lost on the moors of Scotland, where the legendary Kelpie roam...

They are offered shelter by the Reverend Merodach, the minister of the parish of Lammermoor, and are welcomed to his castle. But strange forces are at work within its walls, and Merodach is not what he appears.

Can the Doctor and Jamie prevent their powerful enemy from taking the TARDIS for himself?


Night's Black Agents was a pretty decent Companion Chronicles audio adventure, but I don't think it really got any better than slightly above average which was a shame considering the set up this one had. I like the idea of combining ranges into one big story and I'm sure this will fill in the gap between City of Spires and the next Monthly Adventures audio whilst not being crucial to the storyline of that trilogy. I was very excited by the continued partnership of the Sixth Doctor and Jamie because it's unique, shouldn't happen and just feels different which I'm a big fan of hearing. There is also the ambiguity regarding how things were left and the mystery over why Jamie can't remember the Doctor, even from the events of The Highlanders, is still hanging over things. Given the format of the range this story lies in, it was inevitable that there wasn't going to be too much interaction between Jamie and the Doctor which was a big appeal to me. In hindsight, I think that was actually a benefit given the narration and how familiar Frazier Hines' performance is. It's difficult for him to tell a story with a completely new Doctor and voice him alongside his own character of Jamie. Whilst there was absolutely nothing wrong with Hines' narration, it just felt awkward and wrong for him to be providing an impression of the Doctor that wasn't the second incarnation. I have to say, I don't think the take on the Sixth Doctor was that great and it hurt things slightly. I liked the continuity this story had with City of Spires and the moment Merodach named Jamie as the Black Donald was very good. I just think there wasn't a huge amount going on in the story. The continued mystery of the setting not adding up with Jamie convinced the wrong castle was in the wrong place was good to continue to play around with. Jamie's knowledge of the time and place works very well and showcases his abilities as companion, but this isn't the Jamie we are used to which also adds to the intrigue of the story. The element of the adventure I liked the most was the importance placed on the TARDIS. We know it's crucial to the adventures of the Doctor and his ability to travel in time and space, so it's always fun to play around with him not having access to it. Merodach understanding the power that was held behind it was great. I didn't think he was an overly good character and the booming voice that came later on after the truth was revealed didn't do a lot for me. It felt a bit too much of a caricature. I did enjoy how he challenged Jamie though and hearing the Scotsman defend himself was brilliant. Despite my thinking that the heart of the story was only average, I think this is still a good showing for Jamie in difficult circumstances and alongside a completely new Doctor. For them both, it's still early days as they get to know each other (again, sort of) and getting a bonus outside of the Monthly Adventures is more than welcomed. It's a shame it just wasn't quite better than decent. Still, a worthy listen.

Rating: 6/10

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