Tuesday 31 August 2021

TV Action!

"I'm trapped on a parallel Earth, being pursued by a galaxy of 1970s light entertainment stars intent on zombifying my brain?"

Writer: Alan Barnes
Format: Comic Strip
Released: September 1999
Printed in: DWM 283

Featuring: Eighth Doctor, Izzy


The Eighth Doctor and Izzy have a brief meeting in a parallel universe with an old enemy of the Doctor's known as Beep the Meep, where one of the Doctor's adventures are nothing more than televised programmes and science fiction.


TV Action! was a very good little comic strip adventure to continue my reading of The Glorious Dead graphic novel! This story also marked the twentieth anniversary of Doctor Who Magazine in a really fun way. The idea behind this adventure was really clever and just amusing. It was a perfect use of the comic strip format as something like this just could not be done on television, in a book or for an audio adventure. It just wouldn't have worked. I'd have liked it established that this adventure took place in the Land of Fiction, but as we didn't get that confirmation (if that even is where the TARDIS was transported to) I'm going to pretend that's where the story was located. I thought it was good to have the first page dedicated to how the TARDIS was transported into another dimension with the live chase that Izzy observed on the Goggle-Box playing a big part in opening up the route. Izzy finding things familiar without being able to put a firm answer on her surroundings was good and after I concluded the story, I found that this was actually supposed to be the Blue Peter garden! There were a lot of references dating back to 1979 and the date of the story occurring on the release date of the first issue of Doctor Who Magazine was tremendous. I thought that was a really nice touch and a very clever way to celebrate the anniversary. I was also intrigued to find that this was Izzy's birthday and I think that would have been even better if she debuted in the first comic strip adventure. Unfortunately that wasn't the case but it's hardly surprising! A twenty year run as a companion, even in a comic strip, would be quite something. Further research upon finishing the story showed that there were also cameos from stars from the likes of Fawlty Towers and Blake's 7 which is really fun. The image of Izzy walking onto a TARDIS set was magnificent and the return of Beep the Meep was really great and a fitting return for the anniversary. Beep is one of the most barmy villains that have featured in the comic strip and having him return in a world of fiction was fantastic. The appearance of the Fourth Doctor to tackle Beep with the Eighth Doctor absence and to save Izzy was marvellous. Having some direction for a comic strip's events being depicted was great and I was fascinated that Beep the Meep was a monster in a story that would have been broadcast on television as I really do not think he would work well there. As a whole, this was a quick fire but brilliant celebration of Doctor Who Magazine and its continuous comic strip, which really is incredible and has given so many extra adventures with so many different Doctors and companions. The final panel of this adventure having the Eighth Doctor holding the first issue of Doctor Who Weekly in his hand was outstanding and another fine use of the format. As Izzy said, it would explain everything and I think that's brilliant. I just wish this was longer! Overall, a great anniversary comic strip.

Rating: 8/10

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