Friday 16 July 2021

Terror of the Vervoids

"The crime we are committing in the name of science will make us infamous."

Writers: Pip & Jane Baker
Format: TV
Broadcast: 1-22 November 1986
Season: 23c

Featuring: Sixth Doctor, Mel


The Doctor is on trial for his life. Plucked out of time and space by the Time Lords, he is charged with transgressing the First Law of Time. He must defend himself against the prosecution led by the sinister Valeyard...

In a desperate bid to clear his name, the Doctor presents his defence to the charges laid against him. In the year 2986, the starliner Hyperion III makes its way to Earth... but all is not well. The Doctor and Mel arrive in response to a distress call, although not in time to prevent a murder.

And this will not be the only death: someone aboard will kill again and again to protect their secret. And while the murderer closes in above decks, in the Hydroponic Centre a terrifying new breed of creature is about to awaken...


Terror of the Vervoids was a very good third instalment of the epic The Trial of a Time Lord adventure that spans the entirety of the twenty-third season of Doctor Who! I have started with the splitting up of this serial and blogging each segment as its own entity, but I really am not happy with having done this now! Despite a lot of popular opinion, I am adamant that the best way to view this whole adventure is in one go and judge it in its entirety. I felt that this one linked in well with the overall season arc and the use of the story to further that was good. I thought the basis of the story in its own right wasn't as good as it could have been without the links back to the court room, but I thought it was good to keep things tied with the trial. I don't this is the best way to introduce a new companion in the form of Mel, but thankfully despite a rushed start to life in the role she has a decent serial. That's excluding all of the screaming that is just terrible for the ears! She has some good humour with the Doctor in the control room and her efforts to get him into an improved shape and condition with the exercise bike and carrot juice are definitely amusing. She's a very different companion and it's noticeable how much of a shift the tone and atmosphere makes with Mel in the role. It's a little off-putting given how Mindwarp ended that we move so smoothly away from Peri, but the explanation of the Doctor's evidence coming from the future is certainly a saving grace. The very idea of that is a little strange as you'd expect the Doctor to call back on something he had clear knowledge and memory of with the charge against him so great, but it does provide the insight that the Matrix has been tampered with and the Doctor is being set up. That's an excellent concept and the Doctor not being able to rely on his evidence but having no choice other than to press on to fid the culprit. The Valeyard revelled in picking holes in the evidence put forward by the Doctor and it's hard to disagree with some of his points. Mel was undoubtedly put in danger and the Doctor's role in the fate of the Vervoids was inarguable, despite the reasons. I thought the concept and design of the Vervoids was tremendous and I love that we have sentient plant creatures. They look majestic which just adds to their appearance. The threat they posed was simple but very effective. I thought the gym theme was a little strange and I did like Professor Lasky and how she was always wanting to get a workout in. The role of the Hyperion III was very good and I could appreciate the special effects that went into that imagery considering this was from 1986! The cliffhangers were pretty strong and I liked the one at the end of part twelve and how that sets us up for the finale with the Doctor now accused on a more serious charge of genocide. His reaction to that was brilliant because he certainly has his work cut out, but at least he stopped the Vervoids from destroying the human race. The pictures that showed how they were completely eradicated were impressive and powerful with a strong fate sealed. Overall, another strong segment in what is a great serial as a whole!

Rating: 8/10

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