Wednesday 17 March 2021

The Christmas Invasion

"You will surrender or I will release the final curse... and your people will jump."

Writer: Russell T Davies
Format: TV
Broadcast: 25 December 2005
Series: 2005 Christmas Special

Featuring: Tenth Doctor, Rose


It's Christmas Eve and high above London, the alien Sycorax are holding the Earth for ransom through blood control. A third of the population is at risk, and following his recent regeneration the Doctor is out of action. Rose and the human race are helpless. Can they avert slavery?


The Christmas Invasion was an excellent episode to continue on my rewatch of the modern era! It's a fine way to introduce David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor in a full episode and as a whole it serves as a great episode. It encapsulates everything about Christmas television and although I had never watched Doctor Who when this was broadcast, I can imagine it being a real hit in how it combined the Christmas theme along with a traditional Who tale. It's a great blend and also serves as the introduction for a brand new Doctor, who actually spends most of the first half an hour of it asleep which is quite ironic. I really loved the continuity with Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways and Mickey and Jackie meeting in the street as they heard the groaning engines of the TARDIS as they had been waiting for any sign that Rose was okay. Their reaction to the new Doctor is a great deal of fun and seeing him waltz around in a dressing gown is just barmy. David Tennant is on fine form here and the scene with Jackie where the Doctor is trying to explain what he needs after being woken up too early is simply sublime. The acting there was outstanding! I was of course watching this with Gemma as we go through the modern era together for the first time and it's fair to say she's a huge fan of the love story that ensues between the Doctor and Rose, and she really sees the beginnings here. At one point, she was overcome with emotion in saying how much she loved them! We actually watched this episode back on her birthday which was a nice treat and I'm glad that things fell on a good adventure! I liked the use of the Robot Santas in showing the alien threat and them being pilot fish was a very good concept. Mickey using the computer to obtain the research about them was good and I found his having to ask permission for use of the phone line to use the internet mildly amusing! Oh how times have changed. You often forget how quickly things change. Mickey questioning Rose about her relationship with the Doctor and even using the word love worked well and it's clear to see that she adores him and the life in the TARDIS. The moment at the end with the pair almost giddy together about wanting to ask if they will remain a pairing was really nice and it's clear straight from the first episode that they will get along just pleasantly. The return of Harriet Jones was great and I think she's such a fun character. The Torchwood story arc beginning here is fantastic and I love the look on her face at the end when she has to face the Doctor after giving the order to wipe out the Sycorax ship. The Sycroax themselves look impressive and their blood control powers are excellent, although they don't really do a lot else! The scene where the translation slowly flows int English showing that the Doctor is alive and well after Jackie's tea did the restoration trick was great and the emergence from the TARDIS is a fine moment. The fight scene is great stuff and the shock of the Doctor getting his hand cut off is magnificent, but the highlight for me is the sudden change in emotion when it comes to him throwing the satsuma and showing he's a no second chances kind of man. Sublime stuff. As a whole, there isn't a lot to dislike about this episode. We have a strong plot, a good enemy and a great and fun introduction for the Doctor. Although his absence for a large portion of the episode might not be the best way to kick off a new incarnation, it allows Rose to shine and adds an emphatic impact when the Tenth Doctor finally does emerge into action. Overall, a fantastic episode! 

Rating: 9/10

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