Thursday 12 November 2020


"I am not Gallifreyan but that does not mean I am lower."

Writer: Stewart Sheargold
Format: Audio
Released: August 2005
Series: Gallifrey 2.05

Featuring: Romana II, Leela, K9


The Free Time influence in the Capital is spreading, while Darkel has played her hand and opposition to Romana's policies from without and within is growing. When the bombs start going off, the President of Gallifrey decides enough is enough.

While Leela and K9 race to track down the terrorist to avoid more bloodshed, Romana enters into a risky bargain for control with a dangerous, influential figure from her past. But she soon discovers that the answer to her problems lies in the future. A future she has already witnessed. And one she has been trying to avoid.

Someone desperately wants this future and will stop at nothing to make it occur. Even if it means leading Romana and Gallifrey to war...


Imperiatrix was a great finale to the second series of Gallifrey! This one was quite a unique format with the extended time to over one hour and forty minutes, but having a cliffhanger with only twenty-eight minutes remaining seemed rather odd! Romana's dreams at the start with the Nekistani prisoners was intriguing and I enjoyed how she had an aura with her booming voice. Discovering that Andred had been murdered was a big shock and I liked how despite their recent differences, Leela wanted to avenge her husband's death. The concept of a bomb going off at the Academy was extraordinary given then peaceful nature of Gallifrey and having alien casualties was only going to incite trouble. Leela's traditional ways of looking upon the dead was quite touching in that moment. Discovering that footage of the terrorist implementing his actions was good and set a good basis for the plot and I liked the development of Pandora's control within the partition growing. Her contact through K9 once again worked well and I liked how she was aiding Romana's future come true. But in return she wanted help which was to be expected. Darkel being shown as at the bomb site prior to detonation was interesting and it seemed clear that she was involved. Narvin being the one that was on the verge of being framed as his access codes were used worked well and I loved the prospect of the CIA being behind the attacks but Narvin not being aware. Could he have lost control to Darkel? K9's scans inadvertently triggering a second bomb was a shocking moment and Hallan disobeying presidential orders to shut the doors early and condemn many to their deaths was quite something. Romana forced him to see the ash he had created and Leela was distraught that her K9 was destroyed. He was her last part of the Doctor and Leela's feeling of not belonging on Gallifrey were growing. Romana was getting flustered with everything that was going on which I liked and her edging towards accepting her fate as Imperiatrix was excellent. Antimon the commentator throughout the story being revealed as the terrorist was a little surprising but it shouldn't have been so unexpected. Narvin seeing that Darkel had been using him was good and I liked the concept of the media cameras having bombs within because they were several and widespread. Antimon attacking Leela at the cliffhanger wasn't the most impactful shock, but things moving forward in a pacy part two were terrific with Romana claiming the role of Imperiatrix as foreshadowed. The Inquisitor claiming it as a legend of the Old Times was good and Romana retaliating that past law is still law and she was bringing the past to Darkel was wonderful. I was a big fan. Narvin admitting giving the codes to Darkel was a big moment because the admittance was not expected. Romana then claiming that everything was essentially a charade to reveal the true intentions of Darkel was marvellous as she wanted to stop the coup. Hallan committing himself to Romana's side was great and his shooting of Darkel's guards was quite something! Antimon revealing his edict of recording mishaps in Romana for Darkel was really good but he was just after CIA access as he was actually a Free Time agent which was brilliant for the overall continuity of the spinoff. He was the one that provided the dogma virus and he wanted to serve his cause, even if it had meant killing his own peoples. He wanted to stop the monopoly Gallifrey supposedly had on time but Leela killed him from behind in the name of K9, Winter and Andred which was a fitting moment. But things didn't end there as Antimon revealed Andred's killer and provided a new bomb threat which with the help of K9, through some Pandora bargaining, was sorted with a pulse wave. But Pandora was manifesting now through bio-data and out stepped Romana's first incarnation! I really wasn't expecting that but it appears the two have become one and she had always been there within. This Romana took the title from her successor which was fun and I loved the claim from Romana II that her previous incarnation committed suicide. From what we saw in Destiny of the Daleks, that would appear to be more accurate than II murdering I. Romana admitting that she did kill Andred consumed by the Pandora dreams was a powerful moment but we quickly got an ambush that left Leela laying and possibly dead with K9 in her control as well which was terrific. Romana II had already dissolved the Chapters and the High Council so there was nobody left to challenge Pandora and her resumed role as Imperatrix which has set things up very nicely for the third series! Overall, a very good end to a consistent series.

Rating: 8/10

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