Thursday 1 October 2020

The Rings of Ikiria

"My work must be seen. It must be appreciated."

Writer: Richard Dinnick
Format: Audio
Released: June 2012
Series: Companion Chronicles 6.12

Featuring: Third Doctor, Brigadier, Mike


UNIT is accustomed to dealing with visitors from space, but nothing has prepared them for Ikiria, an alien artist bearing gifts. Could Ikiria's designs be something more than aesthetic?

As the Brigadier turns against him, Mike Yates goes on the run. Can he save the world? Or will he just learn an important lesson in betrayal?


The Rings of Ikiria was a great Companion Chronicles audio adventure! It was an interesting listen having Mike Yates in such a prominent performed role but it was good to get an insight into the life of a normal UNIT operative. I liked hearing how UNIT was something of a safety net for Mike in his early days with the organisation, so the way the story quickly shifted to the Brigadier shooting him off a cliff! It was quite the pre-titles, but my biggest disappointment was that things didn't circle back around to it. Yates also talking of home was interesting to listen to as it was just so ordinary for a familiar character which was refreshing. Jean Mercier being Mike's driver was nice and I liked the reference to Doctor Who and the Silurians. The audio setting of the Channel Islands worked well and the concept of five rings appearing in a wheat field was great. The Doctor suspecting that the rings were letters in an alien language was intriguing and I liked how he deduced that the race responsible were a non-hostile and trans-dimensional species in the form of the Etherean race. The letters spelling Ikiria was very good and her arrival, initially in speech was terrific and I really liked the way she sounded. The Doctor believing that Ikiria spelt craft was a little strange but for Yates she was the most beautiful and heavenly thing he had seen. Her initial arrival was good and I liked her description being donned with jewels and makeup. Her ability to change colour was also intriguing and I was surprised that more didn't come of that ability. Her arrival to Earth to offer beauty was good and I loved the idea of her being an artist. Ikiria offering a stone sample as their work to show their superiors was good and I liked the fun the came from Benton wearing a ring of Ikiria. Yates refusing to take one presented a good dynamic and the Doctor also going missing around that time was fantastic. It works well in the Companion Chronicles range so I enjoyed that. One thing that was a little off for me was Richard Franklin's take on the Doctor and Benton as there was a clear impression but it was a long way off in my view. All of the UNIT men wearing gloves was brilliant and I liked how it initially seemed that they were hiding the rings from Yates. The death of Campbell was abrupt and the seventh ring appearing was a good development. I thought it was fun for the Brigadier to call Yates delusional and the threat of being banished RTU was very good. The Doctor being in the shape of the crops with a stern face was a unique cliffhanger to say the least! Yates overthrowing the helicopter was an action packed scene and his discreet mission was very well done. Jean turning to Ikiria's side was very good as well. The moment Yates was reunited with the Doctor was nicely done and I was surprised when it was revealed that the Brigadier had been pretending to be under control for the whole time! The gloves were to hide the fact there were no rings. I really didn't see that coming which is great. The Doctor had investigated the ring for the whole time and had even informed the Home Office. The idea behind the Etheric crystals and their psionic abilities was terrific and I liked the plan to replace the crystal to reverse things. Ikiria manipulating matter was interesting and something more I thought could have been played upon, especially with the UNIT metallic skin development. The Doctor offering Ikiria a chance was excellent and I loved the pretty please line. She of course refused and ended up being onslaught with the psionic blast as intended. The plan for the Doctor to engage her whilst Yates went with the sonic screwdriver to reverse the crystal impact was magnificent. Yates ignoring the plea of Mercier with the lure of home was very good and he was tempted, but the revelation that Jean had never existed was superb. The Doctor revealing how the crystals were flawed which led to Ikiria's corruption was logical but I was surprised that she took the form of Jean from fragments of Mike's memories. Overall though, a really enjoyable listen!
Rating: 8/10

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