Friday 4 September 2020

Dark Convoy

"If I interfere further I could cause untold damage."

Writer: Mark B Oliver
Format: Audio
Released: July 2015
Series: Short Trips 5.07

Featuring: Seventh Doctor, Ace


Materialising aboard the corvette HMS Thunder during the Second World War, the Doctor and Ace join Commander Fitzgerald and his crew as they track an allied submarine in trouble.

While the Doctor advises the Captain on navigational matters, Ace joins in a daring mission to rescue sailors in the water. With German planes overhead, no-one's survival is guaranteed...


Dark Convoy was a somewhat decent little Short Trips audio adventure, but I do feel that it could have been slightly better. I was taken aback by how abruptly things started as for some strange reason we didn't even get the full introduction theme that we usually do and instead got a rushed semi-version with Sophie Aldred quickly reeling off the story details. It was a bit weird and whilst I enjoyed her narration for the most part during this reading, I do think the whole vibe of the Short Trip was one of being rushed. It seemed to be doing too much in the shorter format which was a shame and I also think that there were just too many characters for a drama performed by a singular actor. To her credit, Sophie Aldred did very well in managing all of those characters but it was slightly overkill in my eyes. As well, I wasn't too fussed on her take on the Seventh Doctor either as it seemed too forced in producing a feasible likeness to Sylvester McCoy. I liked the idea of the TARDIS landing on the HMS Thunder ship amidst a storm as that is a very unique and just brilliantly Doctor Who setting that I felt more could actually have been made of. I think an extension of the cast would have helped with that. It was interesting for this incarnation of the Doctor to even admit that no good could come of their presence on the ship, only for them to be quickly lured into the hull by Mayhew and coming before Captain Thomas Fitzgerald. It was all a little strange and quick with how sudden that shifted. Fitzgerald was a decent enough character and the dynamic of the Doctor being his advisor was good, but again by the time came for the departure and to go their separate ways, the way they said goodbye seemed like they had been going through a terrible ordeal for an incredibly long time which just wasn't the case despite the arduous circumstances. Everything was just happening quickly and I come back to the sense of things being rushed. The tracking of the U-boats was good and I liked how Ace was tasked with saving the sailors overboard, only for the crewmen on board to be gawping at her. Ace deserves better than that. I think more effects could have been utilised to sell the deadliness of the sea as she can be an incredibly harsh mistress but I didn't get too much of a feeling like that here. I did quite like Ace's relationship with Jimmy though and it was clear they had an emotional connection going off her reaction at the end, but again I'm not sure they had spent enough time together for that to be warranted. The dilemma Fitzgerald was present of men or submarine was intriguing but dealt with too quickly for my liking! The Doctor pondering on his potential interference in the Second World War and how he might end up helping the Germans win was another interesting element, but one that didn't seem to be a thought until it was mentioned. I didn't get that feeling or sense of worry which was a shame. There was a lot happening without actually a huge amount actually going on which was strange as this definitely had the ingredients to be great but it didn't quite live up to those expectations. Hughes being non-responsive after Ace helped get him out of the sea and onto the rowing boat was good and the sudden nature of the U-boat strike towards the conclusion was unexpected. Things could have been a little clearer at the end regarding whether Hughes and Jimmy were actually dead, but I guess the ambiguity there provides hope that they did survive. The Doctor clearly cared for Ace which was nice to hear at the end when they were reunited, but the TARDIS scene after they dematerialised from the carnage was not something I was too much of a fan of happening. There just didn't seem to have been enough happening to warrant the emotion displayed. Overall though, some good elements and this still made for a pretty decent adventure.

Rating: 6/10

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