Friday 26 June 2020

The Best of Days

"You always think you're dating a goddess at the start of a relationship."

Writer: Steven Moffat
Format: Webcast
Released: 7 June 2020
Series: #DoctorWhoLockdown

Featuring: Bill, Nardole


After the terrible events of World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls, Bill Potts and Nardole are trying to keep their spirits up...


The Best of Days was a lovely way to conclude the brilliant bonus content that has accompanied us Doctor Who fans through the lockdown over the past few months. I was only able to take part in a couple of the watch-alongs on Twitter for The Girl in the Fireplace and The Fires of Pompeii, as well as Big Finish's The Chimes of Midnight listen-along, but I have thankfully scoured and enjoyed every bit of bonus content that has accompanied nearly every watch-along there has been. With all that is going in the world with Covid-19 and the horrors of the Black Lives Matter protests, it's a shame that Emily Cook was unable to enjoy one last lockdown event, but this accompanying what would have been a watch-along of World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls was magnificent. It was brilliant to hear both Matt Lucas and Pearl Mackie reprising their roles as Nardole and Bill, with the latter rightfully getting more of the time and putting the spotlight on rightful issues. I thought the image of the black hole was excellent throughout and it was quite funny to have Nardole describing the swooshing imager that we were literally watching on the screen. The idea of Nardole and Bill giving each other updates on their lives after leaving and seeing the Doctor go off to regenerate was magnificent. Nardole was typical to his character with the comedy that came with the broken leg revelation. It hid the pain of the other one! I was almost stunned when Bill described how she and Heather were on a break as I thought she meant from their relationship, but she actually just meant from all the travelling. It was nice to think that she was back at St. Luke's University as that's where everything started for her. The insight into Bill and Heather's relationship was great and I loved the comment that I took as my quote for the adventure. In any relationship, the newness wains as time goes on but for Bill, Heather never stopped being a goddess which I thought was a very fun dynamic! Her speech turning very serious but in a lighthearted tone that perfectly summed up the nature of Bill Potts was fantastic. She perfectly incorporated the events of the current day with the social distancing measures that have become the new normal in life as well as including the Black Lives Matter marches of which she emphasised the importance. That was really good and surprisingly quick work from Moffat which was commendable. The comment about not all Cybermen having handles was incredibly apt. I liked the idea of Bill asking Nardole what he would do if the Doctor came back and if he had heard from him and it left me wondering what she would do if she saw that tall Scotsman rock up in his blue box. Her joke about snogging him was a shock that quickly turned into sheer brilliance when she stated. how she wouldn't really snog him if he was a man. I loved that. I think the chemistry between Bill and the Thirteenth Doctor would be off the charts and she would definitely have a crush in my opinion. I'd love for that to somehow happen one day, but I doubt it ever will. Regardless, it was something very fun to think about here and a lighthearted break from all that is going on in the world. Overall, a delightful adventure!

Rating: 8/10

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