Monday 6 April 2020

God Among Us: Day Zero

"Where has all the water gone, and when is it coming back?"

Writer: Tim Foley
Format: Audio
Released: June 2019
Series: Torchwood 6.11

Featuring: Captain Jack, Yvonne, Mr Colchester, Ng, Orr, Tyler, Andy


They've been warning about it for ages. Poisonous mould in the water supply. But it's finally got out of hand. It's day zero – the day Cardiff runs out of drinking water.

As people start fighting over the last remaining supplies, the Disaster Recover Committee takes drastic action. Because there's one place that still has clean water. And Torchwood will do anything to stop them from getting it. 


Day Zero was an excellent penultimate episode of the God Among Us sixth series of Torchwood! This set things up for what I hope turns out to be an epic finale after such a long build over the past 23 stories. This really has been a lengthy story arc and as a whole, this new Torchwood has been very good indeed. The idea of Cardiff losing all of its water was really great and following that on from a tsunami that took out a good chunk of the city and left it badly damaged was fantastic. What more could the city take? Torchwood itself was barely existent after all that's happened with Yvonne and Jack and the split. Andy made it clear that he has had enough of Torchwood now and that quite simply they failed. He was clearly struggling to cope with what had occurred in Cardiff and his desperation and not being able to handle the situation came across brilliantly in the story. We certainly saw a different side of him which was quite refreshing after all that he had endured in recent times. His outburst to Yvonne was terrific and exactly what I would expect of somebody in his position after what she did with the Committee and selling herself out. His newfound position as Director of the DRC was definitely having an impact and I liked that Colchester challenged him and commented on how different Director Davidson was to Sergeant Andy. It was an incredible difference thinking all the way back to the man we saw way back when in Everything Changes. Yvonne had a strong episode, possibly her strongest since her return last series, and her interactions with a number of key characters were good. I liked that after all she had put him through and how she'd essentially torn apart Torchwood, Jack still wanted to help her and he couldn't understand why she never came to him for help. That was admirable and showed just what kind of man he truly was. His interaction with Andy ended up proving incredibly costly as what had been alluded to in previous episodes came into full fruition at the end of the story. After stepping in front of a helpless kid who was just trying to protect his residence and their clean water supply, Jack was shot and pronounced dead. Could it be that he really isn't immortal anymore? I doubt it, but I'm intrigued to find out what's going on. Ng and Colchester had good chemistry and the poisonous mould coming back into play was magnificent. The former being challenged by Andy and how she wasn't Gwen was incredibly harsh and must have struck a chord with her, but she took the comment really well to be fair to her. She's becoming an increasingly likeable character which I'm delighted to say. Tyler didn't have much to do in this episode, but his interaction with Colchester was pretty amusing. Colchester finding out that it wasn't his Colin who brought him back from the dead was a good moment and I'm looking forward to hearing how that's addressed in the finale. God played a casual and calm role in this instalment and her questioning of whether she even is God anymore was very intriguing. For the sake of the story arc and lengthy build, I do hope she doesn't have second thoughts! A lot has led us here. Her conversation with Yvonne and telling of their similarities was very insightful and a good thought to ponder. Orr's torment in producing the water for everyone was tough to listen to at times and her strain will surely have an impact. Overall, this was a brilliant way to set up what I hope is an epic finale! Torchwood deserves it.

Rating: 9/10

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