Wednesday 14 March 2018

Beneath the Waves Part 2

"They're the reason for your coma patients."

Writer: George Mann
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 22nd February 2018
Printed in: DWC: Tales from the TARDIS 21

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Hattie


Return to the thrilling cliffhanger that saw the Doctor and Hattie attacked by enormous seaweed husk creatures! If the Doctor survives their sea-mottled grasp, could Hattie's troubled dreams of the creatures provide the answers to their plight?


Beneath the Waves continued in good fashion with this very intriguing second part of the story. I have to say though, it's felt like an absolute eternity since I blogged part one (three-and-a-half months now!) and I really cannot understand why Doctor Who Comic persists with only being released every three months. When the majority of the stories are split into different parts and contain numerous story arcs across the three Doctors, I really think it is alienating its readership as not having to go and pick up a copy each month is a real shame. I miss the monthly content, I really do. Mostly that's because the stories are so good! The quality is terrific and I have to say that the artwork continues to be very impressive. I am very much warming to the pairing of the Twelfth Doctor and Hattie now and I like how they're growing to enjoy more than just having a jam. Danger was evident with the emergence of the Shamblers and I absolutely loved how Mavis just whacked the creature we saw at part one's cliffhanger over the head with her walking stick. The courage of the elderly is something quite brilliant. I am still very interested in the appearance of the Shamblers as they really do look like the aqua versions of the Yeti! I like it and I am very much looking forward to the finale and learning who their leader might be. I do hope it's somebody I recognise. Hattie having the vivid black and white dreams again was good and the inclusion of the word 'prison' in those dreams leads me to believe that the Doctor may have a history with these intriguing creatures, or at least the person or thing controlling them. The way the Doctor just went and made a cup of tea in the midst of a crisis and was rather characteristic of this incarnation's personality which was very good. I actually thought the likeness of Peter Capaldi was captured pretty well throughout this second part. The revelation that there was on overspill of comatose patients in the area was fascinating and I do wonder why so many people were put into such a state. Hattie's relationship with the Shamblers and their psychic abilities was good and I liked the explanation for why she was seeing things that weren't in colour. Her brain wasn't quite compatible with what they were trying to say. It seemed the Doctor was behind their sudden mass emergence and instead of running he let them take him way. Beneath the waves. It was an excellent cliffhanger and with the Doctor clearly demonstrating some knowledge of the situation, I can hardly wait to read part three. It's just a shame I'll have to wait until the end of May! Overall though, a very good continuation.

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